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April 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Lexington, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT 4X4
Ok, my 1991 XLT 4X4 was running like poop. Sputtering and dying at low RPM's. So I've changed the fuel filter(extremely clogged), checked the catalytic converter(also clogged), cleaned it out since there aren't any o2 sensors after the cat, installed a cold air intake, flowmaster muffler, already checked the MAF, replaced the fuel presure regulator, fuel pressure was good, ran good for about a week after this stuff then went back to sputtering and dying, so I changed fuel filters again (partially clogged after only a week!?!?) I added new Bosch Platinum +4 plugs with OEM motorcraft 8mm plug wires to the list, and now the throttle is really sluggish when you hammer the pedal, idles great though, smells like it's running rich all the time, but smells like gas is literally dripping out the pipe when you throw the fuel to it. Mechanic says the o2 sensors are sending a very weak signal. Should I go ahead and replace those too? Possibly the fuel pump or relay. I'm lost and out a few dollars at this point. Any ideas?

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O2 sensers. That was my problem

any particular brand of o2 sensors better than others?

im curoius as to this answer, ive been having the same mystery problem for some time one, I even replaced the o2 sensors and have the same issues.

if you unplug the MAF sencer then it should put it in to "limp mode" and if it starts to run bettter then that will tall you if it is a sencer. if it runs the same then it is mecanical/fuel/spark.

Ok, I got it out this morning and drove to work. It runs great when it's cold, the warmer it gets, the crappier it runs. Actually died on me when I pulled into my parking spot at work.

Have you cleaned the IAC? The smell coming from the tail pipe doesn't smell like rotten eggs does it?

Could that be the intake air tepature sencer?

no smell of rotten eggs, usually won't start the first time I turn the key when it's cold but the second time it fires up, rough start though for a couple seconds.

still working...

Changed the o2 sensor, runs better. Can squeal the tires now. Still putters and occasionally dies when engine is warm but is easy to start. Hmmm... maybe air temp sensor? What else would be affected by normal operating temps??? Hope it's not the computer.... Will take bikeboarder's idea and change air temp sensor. Hell it's $13, why not?

Im curious as to why your fuel filter keeps clogging up... Maybe you got lots of rust build up in your tank? dont know...

It could also be u r getting 'watered-down' gasoline:( , change where you fill up for a week or two & see if it makes any could also be as some1 else said, there loads of rust breaking loose in your fuel tank, therefore plugging up the fuel filter & not letting it get to the intake......therefore letting it run crappy as you say.....:) may have to change the fuel tank...:(

It could also be u r getting 'watered-down' gasoline:( , change where you fill up for a week or two & see if it makes any could also be as some1 else said, there loads of rust breaking loose in your fuel tank, therefore plugging up the fuel filter & not letting it get to the intake......therefore letting it run crappy as you say.....:) may have to change the fuel tank...:(

How can a plastic tank rust?

Ok, for some reason it decided to start running fine on Saturday. Drove all day Saturday, some on Sunday, and drove it to work today with no problems whatsoever. WTF???

your car must be a girl.

...I've changed the fuel filter(extremely clogged)...

How are you determining the fuel filter is clogged? And does your new air filter use oil or oil free? An over oiled filter can coat the MAF and cause it to read incorrectly.

It's a girl (automatic). You could barely blow anything through the first one and what came out was nasty. The second one was better but stuff was coming out of it too. The air filter isn't over oiled, I've used K&N filters on all my vehicles for the past 10 years and know how to oil them. I think I've got a gremlin hiding under the hood somewhere.

It's a girl (automatic). You could barely blow anything through the first one and what came out was nasty. The second one was better but stuff was coming out of it too. The air filter isn't over oiled, I've used K&N filters on all my vehicles for the past 10 years and know how to oil them. I think I've got a gremlin hiding under the hood somewhere.

What kind of stuff was coming out and were you manually blowing or using an air compressor? Is your tank plastic or steel? The screen on the fuel pump sending unit should stop any large particles from reaching the fuel filter.. Maybe you have a lot of crap/sludge due to bad gas from a gas station... In any case a fuel pressure test should rule out a clogged filter.

Running great for 2 weeks now... The wife bought a new Toyota, I think my Ford is scared.

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