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Hey all


December 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Columbus, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xlt
I'm mostly posting to get rid of the 'Howdy' message. I had a 95 XLT that was the best car I ever owned. Never asked for anything but filters, oil, and a rotor or two in 170k miles. A month ago, a young driver turned left in front of me totalling her. No one was hurt, gonna miss that car. I bought a clean used '97. I like the SOHC power, but I mist say this site has me scared to death of the timing chains. I don't hear anything, but boy am I listening/paranoid. I had to replace a leaking water pump and do the obligatory blend door replacement. This one has 130k on it, I'm hoping for 100k more.

Awright, 'Howdy' go away!!!!

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G'day and welcome, got any pic's?

Hey, looky here! An Aussie!!!! My summer ride was built down under. It's a Pontiac G8 GT. I believe it's a Holden Commodore there. No pics of the Ex yet. They'd be nasty anyway, covered in salt and snow.

I like the SOHC power, but I mist say this site has me scared to death of the timing chains. I don't hear anything, but boy am I listening/paranoid. !

I wouldn't worry, just watch out for the bad drivers :roll:
