HHO hydrogen gas question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HHO hydrogen gas question


Well-Known Member
October 5, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Branchburg NJ, Bethlehem PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Over the past couple of weeks I have made an HHO generator and I have tested the electrolysis and everything and I am ready to hook it up to my engine. My question is, where should I hook the hose into? Should I tee into the brake booster to dump it right into the cylinders? (I don't think this is right) or should I dump it into the intake right before the throttle body? I have been doing great up until this part. Thanks!:thumbsup:

If you were to hook it up before the throttle body then there would be no vacuum. Putting a T in the brake booster line would draw the hydrogen into the intake, but it might not supply all the cylinders, and how does this unit your talking about work, hooking it up might be like having a vacuum leak and cause the engine to run terrible at idle.

also what engine 4.0 or 5.0?

Just a thought, make sure you have done your homework on this, I really don't think its a great idea to have a perfect air to hydrogen gas ratio inside your intake, any kind of backfire will cause an explosion inside the intake and could blow apart the intake.

There's soem infomration on this forum about it, do a search for HHO and you should come up with a couple of threads on how to put it in.

hi thanks, i have searched the forum but maybe not extensively enough. As for the backfire issue, I already have that all set up. I have a check valve so nothing can be forced back into the cell and cause a blow up. If theres a backfire the valve will close immediately and only the small amount of hydrogen that has not been burnt will burn which shouldn't cause any harm. Thanks:thumbsup:
