hid help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hid help


June 8, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
las vegas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 xlt
Im back at it again guys! I need some help on how to install hid lights on my "01"explorer xlt, any info is greatly appreciated thanks

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well if it is a plug and play HID set up.. its pretty self explanitory.. just make sure that you secure the ballast box wherever you decide to mount it.. the jarring and bouncing can wipe them out.
if its a hard-wire kit, can you post a better description of your problem? and maybe the schematic that came with the lights?

If its a bulb and ballast drop-in, pick up the kit and put in the garbage.


Because HIDs were never meant to sit inside of a halogen housing, and they'll blind every single driver you come across, no to mention provide crappy illumination for you too because the light is being scattered all over the place instead of being placed onto the road.
