Highest / Lowest Mileage | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Highest / Lowest Mileage

I wish the 3rd gens had a stronger transmission. I would swap a C6 if it would work.

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2003 xls 4.0 27,000. Until last year we had 5 vehicles for two people.Moved to Florida now we have two.The x and a 08 Mustang GT/CS.

1996 explorer 4.0 ohv 143,933 miles and still going strong!

i have a 96 explorer xlt 4x4 with the 4.0 ohv and ive got almost 144,000 on it, ive had no major problems so far!

mods - flowmaster 10 series delta force single chamber race muffler and 2 magnaflow high flow cats, and a k&n cone filter

02 XLT 4.0 113k miles. Trans replaced at 89k miles, fan clutch replaced at 90k miles. Yeah, that just happened. I hate Commercial Trans Shops like Mr Trans, Cottman, and Aamco.

I have a 06 xlt 4x4 4.0 with 67000 miles and counting quick

02 XLT 4.0 113k miles. Trans replaced at 89k miles, fan clutch replaced at 90k miles. Yeah, that just happened. I hate Commercial Trans Shops like Mr Trans, Cottman, and Aamco.
I notice you live in louisville too. have you ever tryed bilbry transmission he does really good work . he builds a lot of the race trannys for people at ohio valley

2003 xls 4x4 / v6 / 66,000 mi

105k 2002 4.0, cats literally blew up but that just gave me better mileage once they were gone. nothing else wrong.

92 with 160,000

Lowest Bid...

'01 with 70,x.. Miles
Bought 16 months ago with 56,x..

Not bad...

05 xlt v6 bought last year 2008 with 39,000 now has 54,000

stock 15.5 mpg
upgraded tire size (mpg according to message center) est. 11

Bought 2007 with 4 miles on it, now has 23k

Bought 2001 with 59k on it, now has 68k

man for a second gen its pretty low mileage. its a youngun compared to my 98 mileage wise lol

When i sold my 92 back in 98 it had 325,000 on the original tranny.
And when i sold my 96 it 189,000 on the original tranny but started to slip around 188,000


oops, sorry , wrong forum,almost posted numbers for a 2nd gen in 3rd gen forum,

2003 XLT 4.0L 4x4 155k Doing Great!


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1993, with 4.0 v6 and auto, 202,000 miles.

original engine and transmission, drives like new still.
