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hitch + spare = problem?

Just yesterday i picked up a trailer hitch from Froader, i think it is a Draw-Tite class III. I want to be able to still fit a 32-33" spare underneath though. Anyone know if that is doable? Mountaineergreen, don't you have an oversized spare tire and a hitch? Granted that the hitch doesn't end up being in the way, would anything else be in the way of a spare that big?

Also, i would prefer to install the hitch so that the receiver goes through the bumper right above the step, instead of underneath the bumper. I specifically remember one case where someone did this to haul a barbecue behind the truck. I can't seem to find a thread covering this. Could anyone point me to a thread?


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That was not a full trailer hitch, it was a custom built set of steel bars etc. to be able to hold that rack/table. I think that they welded or bolted to the center cross bar area, they had no spare because of the steel going into the area.

To have it come out through the bumper would require modifying an existing hitch, and they all locate the hitch below the bumper. Good luck,

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This is the draw-tite hitch under my '94, and there's not a lot of room left with a stock 235 spare. You might (might, I say) be able to fit a 32, but I wouldn't think anything bigger would fit.

I can't find the thread at the moment, but it involved a hole being cut into the bumper and rear "crossmember" which is also part of the spare tire area. It was a universal fabrication part receiver tube. Pretty neat, but not recommended for towing because it doesn't tie to the frame properly. No spare at all could be carried under the truck with that kind of hitch.

My Mounty is at my shop at the moment or else I would take a picture- I have a 285/75 R16 tire under mine right now. My hitch is significantly different than the one above, it stays nearer to the outer edge of the bumper.


Mine is the earlier round tube version of that, not for 16" tires(30"). Evan's would fit a larger tire better.


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Hey Evan, That's funny I did the exact same thing with my 6 round plug, it just makes a clean install that won't get ripped apart in the bush :thumbsup:

Evan, is that just the round plug, or is the four wire connector there also? I'd like to do that with at least the four wire connector, I end up towing something about once a year.

Mine has the four wire connector on the side, it has a rubber plug that goes over it- I looked for a bit to find one with the connector on it. That allowed me to get rid of the dangling connector. I have run into a couple of occasions where the trailer cord was too short, so I made a 12" extension to ensure I can connect to any trailer with no problem.

Alright, well I'm hoping i have the same or similar hitch to what you have Evan, otherwise i will have to go to plan B...I don't have a plan B yet though. But i have never towed before, this would mainly be for a recovery point and to have the option of towing.

Very good, that's a plan for each of us. Thanks Evan,

Thanks sparkyXplorer, that's what i was looking for!
