hmm, power fold mirrors on an ex? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hmm, power fold mirrors on an ex?


Staff member
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
June 3, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Austin, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
OBD-1 Kenobi
since im hard at work right now (swimming pool season sucks) i was thinking about these new options offered on new vehicles. one of them are the power fold flat side mirrors. you push a button, and the side mirros fold in. well, all this is, is a little servo motor (?) that turns the mirror in and out, and a switch to control the relays to drive the motor. well, i wonder if anyone here has tried to retrofit power fold mirrors to their ex? i drive alot around close spaces, and there was times i have had to fold in my mirrors (manually of course) to get through. plus, i would like to have it where when i set my car alarm, my mirrors automatically fold in, so i dont have to worry about people taking them off (saw a car get a mirror taken off while it was parked by another stupid honda). has anyone thought about this, or even tried it?
