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home-made splashguard mod

All of the holes are behind the Explorer lettering.

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after what i would estimate as close to 15 coats of filler primer (with sanding between each coat), i have finally finished the driver's side and am "de-chromeing" the passenger side right now. we decided to stay home tonight, so ill get quite a bit done. off to the garage...:chug:

new pics


  • image04.jpg
    69.3 KB · Views: 491

one more... what do you guys think?


  • image06.jpg
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Wow James! That looks really good. Have you tried de-chroming the bumper yet? If its as easy as you say it is then.....

the butane torch only works on the chromed plastic. it doesnt work on real chrome. on the bumpers, all you have to do is scuff 'em up good, and then use an etching primer as your first primer coat.

That is awesome James, really unique.

You gonna paint your running boards white or ditch em? I like how the piece you made comes down to the same level. The thing I like most about my EE airdam is that it comes down to the same level as the running boards. If I had a set of your fender pieces, it would complete the look, ya know?

as soon as Heath ships me his 95-97 stockers, the running boards are gone. i originally was going to wait until everything was done, then just do one "shocker" thread, but screw it. here's what else im doing:

im gonna slightly extend the factory rocker guards. they will look like a "toned down" version of the Saleens. same look, just a bit more tame. i really dont like the idea of "ground effects", but these are (hopefully) gonna look like they are stock. just another mod that barely even gets noticed.

im slowly making my way to the front. there i will paint grill white, get a billet insert, fill in the intake hole on the bumper (make a smoothie bumper), and add an airdam. im not saying which one, cuz it will piss one person off. ill wait on that issue when i have finished pics to post.
lets just say that Hartman and myself are gonna be the next 98FordX24 & expo5.0, as far as airdams are concerned. ;)

Originally posted by james t
...and add an airdam. im not saying which one, cuz it will piss one person off. ill wait on that issue when i have finished pics to post.
lets just say that Hartman and myself are gonna be the next 98FordX24 & expo5.0, as far as airdams are concerned. ;)
It wasnt so bad for me and Drew (at least I dont think so). Of all the pics I've seen, I've seen many more people with the EE airdam than the one hartman has... So Drew had to suck it up long before I got mine. James, I think you will be the first one to get it, after hartman, on this board. Boy is he gonna be mad :p

LOL James why would I get pissed at you. I think it's gonna be tight on your truck! BTW, did you catch Trucks! this morning? Stacey showed tips on how to smooth out a metal bumper. The only thing they smoothed out was bolt holes, but the concept is still the same.

i've had my EE since april of 2000... lol. it doesn't matter though no one is gonna mistake my truck for anyone elses;)

btw- james that looks really great! real nice job, if i had the time and skill i'd have done it that way. are you sure you want that airdam???

Originally posted by expo5.0
are you sure you want that airdam???

What are you saying.......

thanks drew. yea, thats the dam i want. remember, im gonna have a solid bumper. itll look different. besides, we just cant have another white explorer running around with the "drew/chris" airdam. lol

yea, Hartman, i saw that show. same thing, just that im doing it on a much larger scale.;)

in my opinion that air dam will look too meaty on a white truck (white always makes things look bigger to me) and i'm worried that it will look too wide and square in the front, particularly with everything else painted like he is planning. i think the bumper being filled and painted will give the front end a more square look (which by itself isn't bad) but in combination it coudl be a mistake. i'm afraid it will end up sort of being the late 80s "gt" truck look if it does what i'm saying and i don't think that would be good. i might be totally wrong and it could turn out great, its just my personal initial takeon the issue.

either way, i can't wait to see it! i plan on getting my tail lights done sometime soon, and finishing the carpet and that crap (as well as posting some pictures of all the crap i've done without really posting about. but then my next plan involves the front grille so this thread will be of use for me then. (i'm gonna do a modified stock grille with a speed grille and real ghost flames...)

i know exactly what you're saying drew, and that is a concern. its a chance im gonna take. i believe (re:hope) that the curvature of the bumper will save it and keep it from looking like @ss. thats the only saving point, the fact that the bumper and grill are very curved, and not flat across like an 85 ranger. if it doesnt turn out like im thinking it will, i will have no problem selling it here im sure. either that, or do some cutting/glassing on it and have an "Honest Thompson" airdam.:p

Hartman, what drew is talking about doesnt really apply to your truck. you have to be really careful with white, especially all white. your's is black, which is the easiest color to not screw stuff up with.

I get what you're saying. I really don't think it's gonna look square. It's hard to envision, but I think it'll look pretty good.

Well, I was going to do this today but I can't get the splashguards off. The f'n bolts just spin.


:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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use a dremmel and cut the nuts off. You will be able to use regular nuts and bolts to re-attach it... If I remember correctly. Just be careful that the heat doesnt melt the plastic like I did to mine.
