how do I build for fuel economy? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how do I build for fuel economy?


March 6, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Middleton MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT
ok heres the deal, my grandmother is giving me her 1994 ford explorer XLT 4wd 4 door (Mint :)) and Its going to be my everyday driver, I've got another project for racing, ANYWAYS... I was wondering what mods I can do to Maximize my fuel economy. From what I've got together so far, most mods that increase economy also increase performance, so thats good, but I need a list of mods to vastly improve the mileage... I can work on the engine so dont worry about suggesting an aftermarket intake. please let me know all of your suggestions... also wondering if anyone else has built strictly for fuel economy and how did it go? thanks in advance...


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that is absolutely amazing.. how much did those mods cost? is it all stuff that was easily done? I would LOVE to get 30 mpg on the highway... plus Im assuming you added a few horsies in the process? if at all possible could you link me to the places you bought all the stuff you needed to do this? 30 mpg will be my goal


do you think that 30 mpg is even possible with the 4 wheel drive? I won't be using it of course, but I know that just having it kills...


Warning, while Al is the all time master of mpg, he has a SOHC motor and they start out more fuel efficient than the OHV (read pushrod) motors that came in the Generation 1 Ex's like yours and mine.

Realistic MPG goals for the Gen 1 would be 15 city and 21-22 highway.

My first suggestion is to change out all the fluids and go synthetic. Synthetic oil may cost more initially but you can send samples to have it tested and may not have to change all of it for a full year or 20,000 miles.

Next would be to 'Drive like Al'

Keep your tires properly inflated and if you are going on a trip, pump them up a few pounds, Al runs his at 40psi. (check the ratings on your tires, don't go by what is posted on the door sticker).

always a clean Air filter
Plugs, properly gapped
spark plug wires (at 50-60k intervals?)
keep you mass air sensor clean.

The rest of the mods are more for fun than beneficial for our Gen 1's

Good luck and keep us posted on your success:D
