How do I know if my Explorer has everything to tow? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do I know if my Explorer has everything to tow?


Well-Known Member
March 23, 2018
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2022 Ford Explorer ST
So my family is looking to move and I was looking at renting a trailer to tow our stuff. It's not that much stuff and a very short trip. I have the 2.3L with the class II towing package, which from my research is good till up to 3000lbs. I have never towed before so I am wondering what all I need from my trucks perspective. I know my car is equipped and the only thing I am not sure about is a wiring harness. Is that the only thing I would need to hook up to my explorer? Is that usually stored somewhere in the truck? thanks

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I have a 17 also, the wiring harness to connect to the trailer is under the plastic cover in the rear next to the receiver. The only thing you will need to buy is the hitch and the correct ball to connect to the trailer tongue. If this is your first time towing I would recommend, finding an empty parking lot and practice backing and turning corners. You will find many people love to stop at the red lights way over the stop line, so you will have to make a lot wider left turns then you are used to. Adjust your mirrors to see the side and back of the trailer forget seeing the side of the Explorer. Remember when passing you have a lot of extra length behind you, don't just move back into the lane to fast go over a little slower then normal. The last thing is don't be a down hill racer, find a speed you can pull comfortable and use Tow mode. Go up and down the hills t the same speed. Passing a Semi is going to fun for the first time and when they pass you will be fun also. Have Fun

I believe a Weight Distribution Hitch (WDH) is also recommended for towing over 2000 lbs. I haven't been able to find that handy Explorer Towing Guide but thought the Class II hitch was limited to 2000 lbs. Perhaps the 2.3 Eco is higher?



From owners Man. You might not be able to tow a 3000 pound trailer. If you are renting from Uhaul they may not let you tow any of theirs. So don't be surprised if they no.

Your vehicle may tow a trailer
provided the maximum trailer
weight is less than or equal to the
maximum trailer weight listed for
your vehicle configuration on the
following chart.
Maximum trailer
Engine Maximum GCWR weight
2.3L GTDI 2WD1 6900 lb (3130 kg) 2000 lb (907 kg)
3.5L TiVCT 2WD1 6900 lb (3130 kg) 2000 lb (907 kg)
2.3L GTDI 2WD2 7950 lb (3606 kg) 3000 lb (1361 kg)
3.5L TiVCT 2WD2 9950 lb (4513 kg) 5000 lb (2268 kg)3
2.3L GTDI 4WD1 7100 lb (3221 kg) 2000 lb (907 kg)
3.5L TiVCT 4WD1 7100 lb (3221 kg) 2000 lb (907 kg)
2.3L GTDI 4WD2 8150 lb (3697 kg) 3000 lb (1361 kg)
3.5L TiVCT 4WD2 10150 lb (4604 kg) 5000 lb (2268 kg)3
3.5L GTDI 4WD2 10400 lb (4717 kg) 5000 lb (2268 kg)3
1 Without trailer towing package.
2 With trailer towing package.
3 For towing trailers up to 3500 pounds (1588 kilograms), use a
weight-carrying hitch and ball, which uniformly spreads the trailer tongue
loads through your vehicle’s underbody structure. For towing trailers
over 3500 pounds (1588 kilograms), up to the maximum trailer weight,
we recommend you use a weight-distributing hitch to increase front
axle load while towing.

@Mlarv5 uhaul rents to 5th gen Explorers now

If you have never towed a trailer before why not just rent a U-Haul truck to do the move. If you rent it locally and drop it back off at the same shop it can be quite cheap and you don't have to worry about anything else.

What do you need to tow? If you plan to have any passengers or cargo in the vehicle while towing, about all you will be able to tow is probably a 5x8 open utility trailer and maybe a 1000 or so pounds of stuff on it. Assuming you have the 3K towing package.

I believe a Weight Distribution Hitch (WDH) is also recommended for towing over 2000 lbs. I haven't been able to find that handy Explorer Towing Guide but thought the Class II hitch was limited to 2000 lbs. Perhaps the 2.3 Eco is higher?


View attachment 165407

Try, support, for the towing guide. Where manual downloads are.
