How do like your 3rd generation explorer / mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do like your 3rd generation explorer / mountaineer


Giddy up!
Elite Explorer
December 31, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Oakland County, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Mountaineer
Just like the title says:

How do like your 3rd generation explorer / mountaineer?

I'm trying to decide on what to get next (mainly gonna be the wifes dog hauler). I'd really like to get her another mountaineer (used).

Can you 3rd Gen owners tell me your experiences with your trucks.

The good & the bad, blind spots etc.....

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my mom got a 3rd gen mounty used.....its so diffrent to drive it i think...with the third seat back there it feels like you are driving a minivan, but it drives really smooth, and we havent had any problems with ours. i dont like the way it drives though, the steering is really numb, and its almost too smooth. my mom dosnt like the explorer anymore becasue she said it is too rough....i hope this incoheerant rambling has helped any :confused:

Thanks for the reply - keep em coming

I traded in my Ranger this summer for an '03 Mounty (Ranger won't take 2 child seats). For a glorified minivan, it is pretty good, and nicer than the '00 Mounty I used to have. I haven't noticed any different blindspots, other than the A-pillar seems to be larger. The bottom of the rear window is lower than the previous gen in relation to seating position, which helps in backing. Regarding the numbness of the steering, it isn't horrible, but is more isolated than the previous gen (although compared to the Cayenne, it has almost no feel--aside from that of slowness).

So far, I like my 3rd generation Ex. The only thing that I really don't like about it is the ground clearance 6.7 inches at the back wheel arm. But as far as off the road I have been really impressed! I Duck hunt alot and where I launch my boat is one big mud hole, all you see is F-150 4x4 trucks there. One of the men there said that Explorer is going to get stuck, well low and behold that little Ex did'nt have a problem I was impressed! The ground clearance is so low that the Ex rubbed the gas tank and knocked the gas tank float out of calibration so when I fill up with gas sometimes the gas gauge reads empty, but its fixed now!
Over all I like the smooth ride compared to my 92 eb 4x4 Ex and the 4x4 auto is pretty fun in the mud.

thanks for the great info
