What Did You Do To Your 3rd Gen Today? | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Did You Do To Your 3rd Gen Today?



started wiring my auxiliarry lights and hiding my radar detector in roof console got these small double switches from grizzly.com on clearance they control console lights one ispower to radar detector that is now buried in behind the green pane in console and the others go to relay controls for fog lights a light bar and work lights on the back

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reworked how my radios sit in a 2 unit bracket this is going tobe temporary till i get the surplus police console in also have the sony am/fm HD cd MP3 with USB and aux input useing a panavice mount for cell phone

Looks like a 2G to me...those switches you did a nice job, those look good.

Changed the transmission filter and half the fluid. I should look a little closer to find the external filter if it has one for the remanufactured transmission.

And today I changed engine oil & filter, fuel filter also.

Installed coilovers in the front, and quicklifts with truxx spacer in the rear.



Replaced the cracked arm rest....next is replacing the seat foam on Monday.

Went to a family owned body shop that has been around since 1946. Really nice and only want $4,300 to fix everything! :D Just found where my Explorer is getting fixed!

I put a new battery in today. The old one, cheap Walmart battery has been having more and more trouble starting the explorer. Today it need to be jumped twice to start. After driving for 1/2 hour on the freeway back home, I pulled out a Voltmeter. The alternator was putting out 14.3 volts at idle, but the battery, by itself, was only 12.1 volts, So, off to advance auto for a new battery.

Rebuilt my transmission a couple weeks ago. Installed superior shift correct kit along with new servo pistons and bore sleeves and forward clutch piston. Snap ring for forward ring gear was broken. Also installed Trick Flow's deep pan with dipstick (love the dipstick) and remote filter. And yesterday had to put in a new ignition switch.

Put on a 06'+ tailgate badge. I'll post a picture tomorrow.

Rebuilt my transmission a couple weeks ago. Installed superior shift correct kit along with new servo pistons and bore sleeves and forward clutch piston. Snap ring for forward ring gear was broken. Also installed Trick Flow's deep pan with dipstick (love the dipstick) and remote filter. And yesterday had to put in a new ignition switch.

How is it working? How did it cost?

How is it working? How did it cost?

Shifts better than it did new. As for cost I haven't added everything up but probably didn't save much over buying a rebuilt unit after buying the tools to do it.

I am working on a rear hub replacement.

took out the driver's seat and I replace the cushion and back foam

well last week replaced front diff

last week replaced front diff. when i got the truck back mechanic told me drivers tire and rotor was wobbling so bad caliper was riding back and forth when wheel turned. took it apart and rotor is worn on outside edge but inside edge is rusted and pitted with pad worn from groove on outside edge of rotor it is almost like pad on the inboard side is doing nothing (piston side)

so bought 2 new rotors and pads masked and painted them with high temp engine paint let cure then replaced them on vehicle looks good also greased the contact points still worried about the uneven wear on pads through

fabricating rear swingout tire carrier

bought a spindle type hinge from COMPX 4X4 a while ago . fabicated the steel frame for a tire carrier out of 1 3/4" 1/8 thick square tubing . made it 2 i can carry 2 jerry cans in frame behind the tire ,
notched the end of the tube and welded in 1/4" plate then drilled and tapped for latch handle with grade 8 bolts welded steel post as a stop for carrierand mounted a polyirethane stop for tube to sit in used #14 stainless self drilling stainless screws to mount poly urethane bumper .

now waiting on tire mounting plate to show up then will fabricate brackets for the jerry cans to sit in amd thinking about a safety strap to backup the latch







note to self straighten up yard before more pictures

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Took the truck to get professionally detailed
