How do you remove third brake light? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do you remove third brake light?


June 13, 2010
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92 navajo
Like most 1st gens out there my third brake light bulb is out and I don't know how to take off the cover

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I believe that there is two screws on the outside cover, then pop it off and you have axcess to the bulbs. Did mine last year, all I know is that it was easy.

i tried that, but i couldn't get it off. does just the red part come off or the the black part to.

with a BIG hammer

try to unscrew in than lightly try to pry it off without breaking it

DO NOT try to pry the red part off. The whole thing will crack. Ask me how I know? :)

The entire thing with the black against the truck comes out. It can be a PITA. Unscrew it, put a towel over it & with a hammer tap the sides. It should free up some & then take something to put under the light & pry it off.

Sorry for the wrong info, I could have swore just my lense popped out, guess im wrong. Thanks for clearing that up guys.

Spare one

Mine has a crack in it, any9one have a spare one cheap ?


I think they're looking for an Explorer light...

two screws then lift out the bottom ( closest to the window) as you pull it out. The assembly is tucked in there pretty good.
My '91 worked fine but a '94 I recently played with was a mess, I ended up hard wiring the bulbs in place.
