How to remove fender flares? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to remove fender flares?


Elite Explorer
October 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Farber, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explo Sport 4.0 SOHC
I was wanting to know if there is a way to remove the fender flares that come on the 2nd gen explorers without messing up paint or something, I would like to take them off, take pictures and then get opinions on which looks better.

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I believe there are holes behind them. :(

Nope, no holes along the outside of the wheel wells. Just unscrew the flares and pop them off. All the screws/holes are inside the lip of the fenders. Your paint under and outside them is gonna be different though due to wear.

sorry Alec, but if he is reffering to the sport and EB flares here is what he is in for...

Pic one front flare removed...


how convenient I was just removing mine today...

Pic 2 - rear holes welded shut


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Pic 3 - ground down and primered

I will be sporting the ghetto look till after the SAS then Late spring Early summer I'm gonna spray the whole truck with a nice new coat of paint.


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Did you do the welding yourself? Looks pretty good.

ok, nm. sorry.

ya. a lot different than welding thick frame crap. that thin body metal takes some getting used to,burns up and makes a bigger hole real quick! Ended up speeding up the wire and turning the amperage all the way down! Thanks for the compliment. I didn't fill it with body putty yet so it is a little rough but I am happy with it till I can finish all four fenders and prep the truck to paint it.

Word of advice. If you do this or have someone do it, remove the interior panels and pull wires and such away. I did this before I started and I must say it would have been a mess if I didn't, keep a fire extinguisher neerby. and Dynomat and paint will flame up!:D

Originally posted by Alec
ok, nm. sorry.
wasn't trying to make you feel wrong or bad, just lucky. focker:p

damnit!!! that sucks, i was really hoping i could take them off

you can! But unless you are planning on painting the panels, leaving the wholes or some other brilliant idea your screwed.

yea thats the problem, i hardly have any money for anything so im just looking now to make stuff different than stock without spending loads of cash

How about just painting your flares?

Originally posted by Alec
How about just painting your flares?

Wonder how that rattle can paint would hold on the plastic? The paint on them has an additive that allows it to flex with expansion and contraction due to temp, but I wonder how the rattle can stuff would work? Atleast it would be easy to touch up...
I was gonna have mine sprayed with bed liner

wouldnt be a problem if i had the few hundred dollars to paint all 4, but then if i dont like it, its not reversible without more money

it really is too bad money doesn't grow on trees:D

just sand lightly and prime and paint with small cans of duplicolor. My fiberglass fenders flex much more than the steel ones ever did and the paint hasn't cracked yet.

I meant the plastic fender flares, if you repaint them. I am gonna try to professionally spray my whole truck eventually. got loads of prep work first.

I must say your fenders look good for rattle cans:D Nice and shiny!

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this is my truck, are these type of fender flares like yours taxxman2k?
