Hypertech Max Energy?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hypertech Max Energy??


January 16, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Smoot, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 Sport Trac XLT V8
I recently bought a Hypertech Max Energy programmer and just had a chance to tune my V8 ST yesterday.
Problem is, after installing the tune, the 2nd or 3rd start, the check engine light comes on and stays on. Hook the programmer back up, No DTC's are read.
I re-programmed factory settings, light goes off. Update the Hypertech with latest software, program again. Once more the check engine light comes on after about 3 start-ups.
Anyway, it's the weekend and the tech assistance is closed. I have taken the tune off, but thought I would ask to see if anyone else has used a Hypertech programmer especially with the 4.6l V8.

Any thoughts?

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It the model made for the 4.6L V8 Ex, Mountaineer and Sport Trac. So, yes I assume it is.

Those generic tunes often have issues.

Too bad you didn't go SCT and have tunes for your box code.

Not sure it's a generic tune, it's made specifically for my year, make, model and trim.....but never the less, I will be talking with tech asist tomorrow and if it cannot be remedied, there is a money back guarantee. So I'm set.

I really didn't go out looking a tuner so much as a re-calibrator for the speedo anyway. Just thought I'd spend the extra bill and get the performance tune also.

unless you provided your PCM code (4 digit i believe) then it is considered a "generic" tune. SCT sells tuners through dealers who program the tunes specific to your PCM. (henson and bamachips do this for example).

hope you get it figured, good luck.

i have a SCT X3 tuned by henson performance. so if you end up returning, i suggest the X3.

I would return your truck back to the factory tune, and return that programmer. Get something like an SCT Xcal and get a custom tune, we have an excellent tuner here.. His name is James, at Henson Performance.

