I am moving to Chattanooga TN | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I am moving to Chattanooga TN


New Member
March 15, 2010
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northwales pa
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00mount. limited premier
so as the title says me and my family are moving down south closer to my wifes side of things. I was active duty navy, due to down sizing of the navy me and my family got the boot. It's not cool but it happens. Any way I was posting to see how many forum members will be close by sence I was born and rased in Lincoln Nebraska I don't have any good friends in TN other than my wifes family. so if you live close to Chattanooga or would be willing to drive for a meet, depending on the numbers I would be willing to host someting. So post back if your willing or close.

Jon Harrison

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Thnx for your service bro. I was in 88-95 VFA-131 in Jacksonville/Cecil Field. AO3,,,pna'd the E5 test to many times and just got out. Regretting it now. Good luck on the move. What do ya have lined up for work? Did your rating help you obtain employment in this crappy economy?

Thank you for your service, An AO3 wow thats a good rate (for you non Navy types thats the guy that puts the "live" bombs and missiles on the planes before the take off of the ship). scary as hell but good and on hornets too I bet that was cool. I am an AM3 I sent my resume in to all diffrent places. It's a full time job looking to for a job!

Thank you for your service!!!

We're in middle TN, about an hour to hour and a half north of Chatt. Not military, but hubby and I are both retired law enforcement. Moved up from Florida and like you, we know no one here. And quite frankly in this area, I'm not sure that's such a bad thing! LOL

I'm in Scottsboro, al bout a rough hour south of Chattanooga

live in jackson Tn 3-4 hour trip from chatt but i visit there frequently. also have wheeled there a few times and always looking for somebody to wheel with

We took a detour to clarksville insted so I am here better paying job
