I FINALLY got my ex......... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I FINALLY got my ex.........

well..its now said and done..i finally have the explorer.....94.....4 door 4x4 .....

after 3 years of being a member on this forum it finally has happened....only thing ive done to it so far is new monroe shocks last year (which kind of suck b.t.w.) ....

future plans are new Warn Locking hubs, speakers/cd player, KKM, Flowmaster Exhaust, Procomp lights and prerunner lightbar, tow hooks, and some 31" AT's to top it off (no lift, running it stock with some cutting :p ) .....this outta be fun!!!

and of course i should not forget some broken parts and busted knuckles later on down the road....

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pics will be up soon....just washed my baby....soo fresh soo clean...

Jesus H. Beaston, its about damn time your parents gave you the Explorer. Let me know if you need some pics hosted, I have plenty of memory on the site.

Next you need to become elite.

yes..i shall become elite in a few weeks here....and im still working on pics


heres a side picture finally



Congrats, sounds like a nice X, Pic's not working. :bounce: :chug:

hmm....i just posted the pics and now they dont work...blaah

Here is one of the pics... lookin good Beaston!


  • Beaston1.jpg
    30.2 KB · Views: 392

yes its only been a month :smoke: , but Ive installed my CD player, bought two 10,000 lb tow hooks, installing them this weekend as well as my homemade swaybar disconnects (clevis pins), buying my Dynomax exhaust system this weekend as well. Things are gonna move fast so i hope i can keep up with myself.. :burnout:

looks good keep up w/ the mods list on here!! looking at a 91-93 here myself toplay w/ on the outer banks area ,, VA Beach doesnt have anywhere u can ride on the beach do they??

nah..Virginia Beach does not have any places to ride along the beach like hatteras does...believe me.....unless your Army or something then you can wheel on the base up north, other than that ..there are a few small sand pits around pungo and the North end you can hit up.

Looks just like mine did when I got it. You must REALLY love that truck if you were a member here for so long and didn't even have an X. Congrats!!

Believe me you can't wheel on the bases, Especially Ft. Story unless you want 3 Humvees racing up to your vehicle like you were planting a bomb or something. We lasted about an hour out on the beach though before they got there. But when they got there you knew it!!!!!!! But hatteras is tight to wheel on especially in the off-season when they don't groom the beach. Jumping the dunes are fun!!!!!!
