i know its a sin..but can it be done? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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i know its a sin..but can it be done?

how about the A4601X. it's a class A/B 4 channel amp. i think it'll work great with your subwoofer. i dont know many online car audio sites, but you could probably find a good price on it. the cheapest i can get it for is about $285 after shipping, but there are probably a lot of cheaper websites out there.

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is that amp stable at 2 ohms?

i'll look into that one...if i can get it for 250 thats good.

what kind of power does that put out?

its rated at 210 watts x 2 @ 4 ohms mono. since you have a dual 4 ohm voice coil sub, that will work.

how would i wire that to the sub? being that its a 4 channel amp

bridge the front right and left channels to run one voice coil, and the rear r&l channels to run the other. then it will be run @4ohms mono.

hey i am still undecide about what i am going to do...guess i got awhile to decide not putting system in until spring..but would like to know what i am going to do.

I am geting to bed... thanks for your help i reallly appericate it!!!!


ok cool. talk to you later. any questions just ask.



Just FYI,

I just received my new system from UPS this week. I got a great deal on an Audiobahn A2300E 2-ch amp rated at 210 x 1 @ 4ohms, and it is 2 ohm stable. I'm driving a Audiobahn A210X 10" sub rated at 350Watts. It's also a dual voice coil sub that I will be wiring up for 2-ohms.

Total price: $139.00 from Sounddomain.com.

You can't beat that with a stick!!!

hey kmac
is there a spec sheet that says that the amp is 2 ohm stable? actually is it 2 ohm stable in MONO?

if that one is i bet the one i want is 2 ohm stable as well.


All the spec sheet says is 2 ohm stable and 1/2/3 channel operation (mixed mono). I believe it is mono in 1 channel operation and stereo in 2 & 3 channel operation.

it's not rated or tested at 2 ohm mono. like i said earlier, you could probably do it, but you are overdriving the amp. doing this could really shorten the life of the amp because it wasnt built to handle high current applications. it can be done, sometimes. but i wouldnt do it if it was my amp (i tried that a few years ago with a cheap amp, and it worked for a month or two before it burned up).


I may have to return the DVC sub and look for a single voice coil 4 ohm sub. I know a brand new Tweeter's store just opened up here yesterday and I stopped in there at lunch today and saw a lot of nice JL subs.
