IAC how's it supposed to work? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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IAC how's it supposed to work?

Nick C.

Well-Known Member
September 13, 2002
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Frederick, MD
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'96 xlt
Ok I cleaned my MAF and my IAC today. This may sound silly but how is the IAC supposed to work. There is a spring and then looks like a ring that slides up and down the spring. Should I be able to move the ring up and down the spring with my finger and how do I know when the IAC is bad. I'm throwing a code and trying to figure it out before I start spending money. After cleaning it the pick up worked a little better but still not perfect idle and rpm's.

Thanks for the help

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IAC valves are cheap. When they malfunction they make the engine stumble and act like it will stall during idle. They also squel like fingernails across a chalkboard. It is a computer actuacted servo that allows additional air into the manifold. Computer says more air, sends electricty to the valve, electro magnet puls valve open. Enough air, computer turnes electricty off spring shuts valve.

Try cleaning your mas air flow sensor, direction on this site. You may also want to do a tune up.

ummm. IAC's are NOT cheap. i couldent find one at autozone or any other parts store, so i had to go to the dealership. It was like $140 at Ford for my old 91 explorer (which was more than my truck was worth).

You got hosed, $70 something from my dealer. Fordpartsnetwork.com is also relatively inexpensive.

Originally posted by FourXFred
ummm. IAC's are NOT cheap. i couldent find one at autozone or any other parts store, so i had to go to the dealership. It was like $140 at Ford for my old 91 explorer (which was more than my truck was worth).

I am afrade you paid way too much.

E mail Torrie at http://www.fordpartsnetwork.com/ and ask for a price support.

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Just wanted to finish off this thread. I got my problem figured out and for anyone who uses the search button. My CEL was throwing code p0420 I ended up replacing the IAC and things work great now.

where is the IAC located? on occassion, when I start my truck, it feels like it is going to die at idle, sputtering and missing real bad until I start driving. Easy to replace yourself? I am going to clean the MAS this weekend.

it's crazy easy. It's he tubular thing on the right side of your engine (when standing in front looking in on the engine), it has three 10mm bolts that you need to take off and a electric plug. Don't forget to take off the negative battery cable.

Originally posted by scotts95xlt
where is the IAC located? on occassion, when I start my truck, it feels like it is going to die at idle, sputtering and missing real bad until I start driving. Easy to replace yourself? I am going to clean the MAS this weekend.

It's really easy to find and replace. It is the item in the middle with a metallic cap. It may have a plastic cap if it is OE. You just need to remove to 10 mm screws.


Originally posted by SiLenZe
is the IAC on all motors? OHV, 4.0, 5.0, SOHC? ?

Yup, its pretty much in the same general area on all of the different motors in the Explorers. You might just have to take some parts off to get to it..

what is used to clean it? i have electical parts cleaner that I use for my stangs MAS. can you put an arrow on the correct part please?

yeah electrics parts cleaner works fine and you can use a q-tip to but make sure you change them out or fuzzy cotton gets in there. I cleaned mine and it helped but ended up having to replace it. It was stuck open/closed not sure which. There should be a spring on one side and a push rod(not correct terminology but I'm trying to help you get a feel for it) on the other side and between those two pieces a black plastic piece that can be manipulated with your finger. I didn't take a pic of a healthy one, sorry.


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Hello all I have a 97 xlt 5.0, and was wondering how do you clean the iac and mas. I was searching for some pics on how to clean them but could not find any. So do any one have details on how to clean them with the tools that will be needed. so I could print them.

I been having a serious rpm and rough idle problem after driving for about an half hour(usually when Iam at a light or when just still for a while. can any one help please?

