I'd like to add a booster to my stock HU. How? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'd like to add a booster to my stock HU. How?


Well-Known Member
February 23, 2003
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1998 Explorer XLT AWD
I have the premium sound HU (Am/Fm radio,cassette,cd player & changer) along with the stock speakers. The sound is absolute garbage and I'd like to add a booster/eq & a carpeted speaker box to this system. The trouble is, this truck has that damn harness!! Can anyone take me by the hand and go step by step with me in getting this done?

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step 1: remove all the stock audio stuff, head unit, speakers, stock sub if you have it... heck rip the wiring out too...
step 2: throw it all in the dumpster, burn it, whatever you want :)
step 3: go car audio shopping
step 4: get everything you want and install/rewire accordingly


Yeah what Dave said.


There is no reason to keep your head unit stock. Its a piece of crap. I also recommend replacing the whole shabang. Much easier this way.

davesexplorer said:
step 1: remove all the stock audio stuff, head unit, speakers, stock sub if you have it... heck rip the wiring out too...
step 2: throw it all in the dumpster, burn it, whatever you want :)
step 3: go car audio shopping
step 4: get everything you want and install/rewire accordingly


Good advice! I'll just rip out the stock HU and CUT the wires out of the harness so that I can put a REAL sound system in.

Thats the ticket...

and I detect no sarcasm whatsoever.... :D
