ignition chime stays on after key removed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ignition chime stays on after key removed

Ted L. Nancy

New Member
June 24, 2011
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03 Explorer (V6)
I have a 2003 XLS.

The car doesn't seem to recognize when the key is removed from the ignition. If I turn the car off, remove the key, and open the driver's door, the chime dings and won't stop—at least not until the driver's door is closed. Also, I can't lock my doors. (They unlock about a second after locking them.)

I pulled fuse 15, which stopped the chime, but it also stopped other things that I want to work (such as my rear wiper). So that's just a temporary fix so I can lock my doors.

I searched the forums for almost 45 minutes, but I couldn't find anything pertinent to my vehicle. Is there a wire I can pull? Although, I'd ultimately like to isolate and understand what's causing the problem, I really wouldn't mind disabling this feature altogether, if that's the easiest or cheapest fix.



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It sounds like your ignition switch is not grounding properly. The switch is not noticing that the key has been removed from the ignition and will unlock the doors, so that you cannot lock the keys in the car. Many times this is because of a bent contact.
I don't have a quick fix for it, but check out the ignition to see if possibly something got stuck inside.

There is nothing in the ignition. I did spray some WD40 inside it after the problem occurred, as I read elsewhere that it might help (but it didn't).

I recently had the carpets shampooed-- could water have gotten somewhere that might affect the ignition ground?

Highly unlikely, the switch components are in the steering column and instrument panel.

The "key-in" is recognized by a sliding piece that moves when the key is inserted. I see you have tried the WD-40 trick and it didn't work. Try tapping on the key cylinder to try and get that slider to fall.

I appreciate your help so far...

The chime just came back even with the #15 fuse removed. (It just randomly started with the fuse out.) I think something electrical is going on here... maybe?

I tapped on the keyhole side of the ignition switch quite firmly with a small hammer, but it's still chiming.

did you pull fuse #6 ? According to the owners manual, it says - 10A "key in chime"

My owner's manual says #6 is the right horn.

The electrical system has really gone haywire now. The chime is gone again (even after I reinserted fuse 15). However, there are several warning lights in the instrument cluster that are either dimly lit or flickering. Sometimes I hear a noise that I can only describe as a faint buzz. The voltage gauge also seems to come on intermittently. All of this while the key is out.

This didn't start happening immediately after I got my carpets shampooed. Also, the folks who did it always do good work and I've never had a problem before with any of my three cars. However, I think there might be some very small signs of moisture around my fuse panel... I'm not sure if water got in there somehow, or if it is dampness from the carpets drying out. In any event, is there a way I could try to dry it out?

The vehicle starts and runs ok? There may be some moisture issues due to the evaporating cleaners. I would leave the windows cracked a bit to try and get the moisture out.

Turning on the A/C will certainly pull moisture out of the interior.

Are you sure it's the "key in chime" and not the "door ajar chime"

Having said that:

I had similar electrical issues with my '02 XLT. The dome lights would stay on until the battery saver feature turned them off, the accessory delay wasn't working, the driver side puddle light didn't work, the keypad on the door would set off the alarm when I pressed it, the door ajar light would flash and beep at highway speeds, the radio would shut off as soon as I turned the key off, the alarm would beep twice when I armed it. Recently all 4 windows stopped working. Most recently the driver door lock actuator stopped working.

A lot of electrical issues can be traced back to broken/damaged wire(s) in the boot between the body and the driver's door. I found 3 broken wires and repaired them. The thin black ground wire was broken and after repairing it all was back to normal. When the windows stopped working, I repaired the thick black ground wire and the windows now work like a champ. I had to repair the pink/black wire to fix the driver door lock actuator.

Here is the thread for removing the door panel: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums//showthread.php?t=303524

Here is a great thread for checking for broken/damaged wires, thanks to synyster for this awesome write-up: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums//showthread.php?t=270081

Unfortunately the pictures are no longer available in the above thread. IIRC, I believe I unwrapped the wires enough to gain access. When I have gone searching in there I had an idea of what wire I was looking for. I located the the wire I was looking for and gently tugged on that wire on the door side. The wire was pulled toward me and out of the harness. I then went inside the vehicle and gently tugged on the the wire I was looking for and was able to pull it inside the vehicle. I then spliced a length of wire to the 2 ends, completing the circuit. I then gently pulled the excess into the door.

Be sure to take your time when looking for broken/damaged wire(s). Check all the wires for breaks/damage. When you think you're done looking, look again, and again, and again. A bright flashlight can be very helpful.


Could also be related to the door ajar switch.

Here is a great thread for checking/replacing the door ajar switch, thanks to borland for the awesome write-up: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=249253

That is a great write up.

On a side note, before going through a complete replacement of the switch, you can spray WD40 into the door latch opening on each door, as these become stuck sometimes....and this can alleviate the issue.

This worked for me, after going for more than a year of the "door ajar" light coming on occasionally...mainly after a car wash, high humidity, or rain....making me unable to lock/arm the vehicle from the door keypad and keeping the dome lights on. Worth a try....it worked for me :thumbsup:

The red arrows show you where to spray:


Check my above post. Then this one.

I am splitting my posts up so my 2 separate thoughts don't blend into one another.

I am leaning toward faulty ignition switch. Here is the troubleshooting steps for Information, Gauges, & Warning Devices from my shop manuals:


Good luck getting it sorted. :thumbsup:

Please keep us posted as feedback helps others reading this post looking for a fix to the same or similar issue!
