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I'm a new member


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Cameron Park, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XLT
Well today I bought a 1999 ford ranger. It's a single cab, 2wd, 5 speed manual with the 3.0. Its in almost perfect condition on the interior and the outside is almost as good. It's a perfect daily driver and I'm pretty excited about it. So is there anything i should watch out for? Any helpful hints? Just looking for a little insight and to introduce myself. Thanks guys

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...a new member,lol...welcome to the ranger family...:D

...sounds like you got a pretty good deal....i know i couldn't pay for my project X if i didn't own my ranger...good luck and have fun driving it around...if you run into problems just hollar...;)

...btw, post some pics and put it in the ranger registry...:bounce:

yes I do. The explorer is just fine. I just needed a daily driver so I got the ranger. I will post pics as soon as I get some.
