I'M BACK!!!! Just bought a 93 Eddie Bauer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'M BACK!!!! Just bought a 93 Eddie Bauer


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2001
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City, State
AB, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 blazer lt
93 Eddie Bauer, one owner and all records including original bill of sale.

The rig has just 56k miles on the clock! The vehicle is spotless, and I mean spotless. Kept in a garage, it was a third vehicle - owned by a couple in their late 40s that have no kids.

From the records I noticed that they had regular transmission maintenance done, which I would like to continue with.

I'm just happy to have another explorer, and my girlfirned is in love with the the vehicle!


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LETS SEE SOME PICS!!! I love it when I see spotless first gens! Theyre such a popular vehicle,. but one thats still in good shape is still very rare. good job and good luck with it!

Sounds like a sweet buy. When I got mine in 2002 she had just 50K on the ticker and was in excellent condition. Always nice to see a clean and well maintained vehicle that is 11 years old. Now lets see those pics :bounce:

I'll run out and take a couple of pics of the interior and engine bay, the exterior is a bit dirty from the long haul on the highway. (had alot of rain on the way)

Either way you'll get the idea. :)

i guess the real question is how much rust is UNDERNEATH the vehicle?

Alot of the undercarriage still has its black factory coating.

Obviously it is worn out in some spots, especially on the front axle, but its REALLY clean. I'll be getting this one undercoated.

Pics are in process of uploading :)

Well I took some key shots for those that have a trained eye to look for rust spots and other areas to see how well maintained and well cared for a vehicle has been....

These pictures are LARGE, showing the most detail :)

Explorer Pics

I've always had those same feelings about a clean 1st gen too, its satisfying. I cant wait to see pics either. I've spent most of my "car time" cleaning/restoring the exterior and interior of my explorer. When my tranny was rebuilt last year the mechanic said they've never seen a 1st gen as clean as mine =D. The body shop said the same thing and that just about every mid-age to old X is dirty and/or beat up. Felt nice to hear a comment like that and not only was it enouraging for me, but hopefully it is to other X owners who feel the same way.

link didnt work :(

The link worked for me.
That X is clean as hell. WTG. :bounce:

thanks! I want to ensure she stays relatively rust free. I'll do what it takes to make sure she stays like it!

Link worked this time. Very nice! Clean and nonfaded. :thumbsup:
