Initial throttle stick, then releases... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Initial throttle stick, then releases...


New Member
November 28, 2006
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los angeles
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport
My fiance has brought a 99 explorer sport 4WD into our lives and I am pretty pleased with it overall. There is one thing that is bugging her/me however, occassionally the accelerator seems to stick when initally pressed and then breaks loose so the vehicle lunges forward. Is this common and if so, is there an easy fix? Thanks.

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My 98 did that when it was new. I had gotten into the habit of breaking it loose before starting the engine to avoid the lunge. There was a recall for it about 5 years ago. They replaced the throttle body and I've had no problems with it since.

FWIW, mine does it too. About once a year I have to remove it, de-gunk it, re-lube it, and reinstall it. Works great for about 4 months and starts again.

I had the recall done on it a few years back.... never really made much of a difference. IIRC, the recall was to prevent it from icing in high-humidity though... had nothing to do with sticking off idle.


Must be a different issue then...


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Thank you all very much for your replies, I really appreciate it. Sorry, I was off-line the past day or I would have thanked you sooner!

My 99 does the same thing. I never got the recall...

Super easy fix. Pull the TB off and clean with TB Cleaner from the auto parts store and your good as new. I do this now about every other oil change and it really keeps it nice and clean.
