Instrument Panel??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Instrument Panel???

May 27, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Burlington County, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Exp Sport
Hey everyone, hopefully this is in the right forum.

I have a 98' Explorer Sport 4WD. Runs great, love the beast. Driving home last night in the storm I noticed the light that illuminates my in instrument panel isn't lighting.

it's only the light that illuminates the voltage regulator. Is this a lightbulb, or a fuse?

How do I go about fixing this??

any and all have is appreciated



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Hi, welcome to the site!
There are 4 instrument cluster illumination lamps--it would be strange for all 4 to go all at once--

there are a few fuses for instrument cluster--here is a good start for you--

Of course you have tried the dimmer knob?

moved to stock 95-'01 forum for more views-

Jim, not all four went, just the one that illuminates the voltage regulator did. And the dimmer knob was the first thing I checked.

I called Advance Auto, they told me it's a light bulb. Would it be easier for me to just pull the cover off and replace it??

Those bulbs go into the backside of the cluster. Be sure of which need to be changed, be careful with the trim pieces. Good luck,

how much of the dash did u need to take apart? the light for the oil pressure went out on mine, ill pry be tending to this issue tomorow, thanks

I haven't attended to the light problem. I am doing it tomorrow, along with adding my running boards to it :D

Will post how ASAP.


Doods...don't forget to disconnect the battery terminal and wait a few minutes. Part of getting to the inst cluster lights means you're gonna be messing around behind the driver's airbag...ya don't want that sucker to blow while you're there...could break a neck or worse.

FYI, the airbag wiring is routed along the bottom of the steering column, to the backside of the dash, and up the backside of the dash(four wires).

Doods...don't forget to disconnect the battery terminal and wait a few minutes. Part of getting to the inst cluster lights means you're gonna be messing around behind the driver's airbag...ya don't want that sucker to blow while you're there...could break a neck or worse.

Yes! i personally learned a good lesson last time i was doing electrical and got the hell shocked out of me when i was working on my light bar, even tho it SUCKS re-setting your clock and radio stations everytime, dont let that stop you (or in may case...ignoring that stupid little warning sticker that says "wait atleast 5 minutes before servicing")..... always good to dissconnect that negative terminal lol
