interior door panel swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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interior door panel swap


New Member
October 22, 2002
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City, State
Chico, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Ford Explorer
I was going to see if i could swap 96-01 door panels into my 93 explorer. I bought some online. I asked if the door panels were from a 2 or 4 door. He said 4. When they got here I find they are from a 2 door so they are much to long to fit. Anyone need front door panels for a 2 door 98? :) My question is this. Will the interior door panels from a 96-01 fit on a 93 explorer door? I have already switched out the rear seats with 98' so I have headrests in the back. I also glassed a 98 full center console in. Thanks in advance.

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Well the doors are exactly the same so even if they mount differently, you should be able to just glue them on or something. :D I have to tear mine off to put some new speakers in.. I can get some pics of how they mount or you can just swing by and check it out.

I'm in Chico too! I thought I was the only Explorer enthusiast here!

I believe that the difference in the 91-94 and the later models are around the dash area. I think that you would have to modify the area where the dash meets the panel on the 95 and later to fit the 91-94.

The power window switches won't match up...

I found a way to wire the window switches up the same. I am currently trying to find the door panels in the light tan color. I am going to give it a try. I will let you all know how it turns out. Another question. Does anyone else have problems with the rear windows shaking as they roll up and down? I tried some WD-40 but they still shake. Any suggestions on this?

Originally posted by BadaBoom
Another question. Does anyone else have problems with the rear windows shaking as they roll up and down? I tried some WD-40 but they still shake. Any suggestions on this?

Try really cleaning the part where the actual window goes through, the squeegee part...that holds back the windows sometimes.

Does anyone else have problems with the rear windows shaking as they roll up and down? I tried some WD-40 but they still shake. Any suggestions on this?
The tracks themselves are supposed to be lubed with white grease. And I second what Crankcase posted about the window "belts"(as they call them around here)
