interior lights stay! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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interior lights stay!


Active Member
April 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Portland, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
93' XLT 4X4
so my interior lights won't shut off when i close the doors.i have pulled the fuse for them, but this also leaves me without a radio..i have run a few searches about this problem, and all i could come up with was that the on/off mechanism is located within the door latch itself or something..could someone please elaborate on this a bit? suckz having no light or music..could it also be possible that the little round rubber thingies the door latches onto could be the problem? they are a bit worn through, and prevent my door from closing at all sometimes..i have wiggled them all (as this has solved the problem before), and the light dimmer switch is set correctly..any help would be greatly apreciated..thanks..


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Your not alone, mine is the same way (pulled the light bulbs instead of the fuse, can't drive without music)... All this time I thought that it was my alarm going screwy... Hopefylly some one will have some info on this.

Once we get moved into our new place I will try to get some time and play with mine to see what the deal is. I have been without inside lights for over a year now, get's old having to turn on the map lights to see what is going on when I open the door...

(I replaced the striker post bushings, still have the problem)

Hmmm, I suggest trying to narrow down the problem.

First stupid suggestion: do the 93s have a dome light dimmer control like 95+? If so it could be stuck or something on "on" and leave your lights on all the time.

Second, does this only happen with the driver door, or all doors? If it's only one door, than its the latch or wiring there obviously. If it's everywhere, it's more of a central problem.

I had the same problem on my '95. The relay that controls the interior lights was getting stuck in the on position. I don't know where it is in the '93, but in the '95 it's located in the jack compartment.

yeah..the dimmer light switch is set correctly (that answered my problem on one previous occasion)..another time this happened, i jiggled the rubber bushings on the rear latch, and this solved the problem..this time i have jiggled them all (all doors), to no it's pretty hard to locate the source of the problem..i suppose it could be the relay..i'll have to look into that..thanks..

