International Owners and Models | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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International Owners and Models


New Member
September 4, 2009
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City, State
Quito, Ecuador
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Ranger 4x4 4-door
Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum, but I wanted to ask if there's been any attention given to overseas manufactured models? For example, I have a 2002 Ranger 4x4 4-door manufactured in Venezuela. I currently live in Ecuador, and sometimes it's hard to find fixes because of the body configuration. (it's got what looks like an Explorer front, but a Ranger bed). I don't know what other changes might have been made, but it would be great if we could get some internationals together to trade suggestions.

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Welcome to the site, there are a few international members. Most of them are in Europe though. But as I'm sure you can see most of us are from the U.S. with some Canadians and Brits thrown in. I do like the idea of an international section, I'll start a thread in the feedback and suggestions section. If you have any questions there are lots of people around and willing to help, and especially in your case pictures could help a lot when it comes to giving you advice. Well that and we always love to see different rbv's (ranger based vehicles) from around the world.

Welcome to this forum! Sometimes I see something odd such an A4LD-E from the UK posted here. We don't have too much information on these foreign models. They have certain models like the Ford Transit which is not sold here.

If you have any questions there are lots of people around and willing to help, and especially in your case pictures could help a lot when it comes to giving you advice. Well that and we always love to see different rbv's (ranger based vehicles) from around the world.

Here's one of my truck looking it's best. (covered in mud of course.;)

Five lug wheels, but no ABS.
