iPhone Car Mount Options ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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iPhone Car Mount Options ?


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July 31, 2012
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I found this forum searching random customizations to my 04 explorer, and im kinda disappointed to know there is not an iPhone mount thread! Unless my search sucked and im posting in the wrong place. I was hoping someone can recommend/ share with me there carmout/cradle options for iphone...i just picked up the phone and i love it. But i find it hard to manage whilst on the road. I have been eying this amzr car mount but then i compare it to the likes of htie Naztech N400m car mount and well, as you can see i have been given descions that i simply cannot make on my own! lol. I am however interested in your take on car mounts or which ones you use. Most of them out their seem to be made of rather cheap materials, is their a premium options? Also a more "universal" option would be great considering the size rumors surrounding the iphone5

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here is mine, hapurs u-grip windshield dashboard universal car mount

it's just 6.39$

I take heavy duty velcro and attach it to the back of the phone, and another piece on the dash. Works fantastic... Puts the phone exactly where I want it.

I use mounts from Ram Mounts for my phone and GPS.

I take heavy duty velcro and attach it to the back of the phone, and another piece on the dash. Works fantastic... Puts the phone exactly where I want it.

I use the exact same method as Rick. Works like a charm!

I've used mounts from ProClip for years. They make mounts for everything. I have an iPhone 5s and use the Mophe battery case and they have a mount for that too.

I'm using an Ottie HLCRIO102 now. This is the smaller one made for the Iphone.

If you get it in right it will even hold my Iphone that is in a Mobi (battery) case on the dirt roads. I've only had it a month but unlike all the other mounts I've tried this one stays mounted even with the high in vehicle temps. The ones I used before would pop off if I installed them when it was cool in the vehicle once the temp inside got to 170F or so. This new one is holding on just fine..

