is 2017 2nd row console any different than 2016? removable? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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is 2017 2nd row console any different than 2016? removable?


May 17, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Platinum
Hi all, it appears that the 2nd row buckets will again be tough to find this year in a particular trim/color/interior (if early search results are representative of ratios going forward)

Its frustrating to find a match and then see it has the 2nd row center console. If they made this removable it would be a no-brainer option for $150. Last year they were not easily removable and (from what i read on here) would require a specific all weather mat to cover the exposed bolts if you did remove.

Any changes in the '17?


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Hi all, it appears that the 2nd row buckets will again be tough to find this year in a particular trim/color/interior (if early search results are representative of ratios going forward)

Its frustrating to find a match and then see it has the 2nd row center console. If they made this removable it would be a no-brainer option for $150. Last year they were not easily removable and (from what i read on here) would require a specific all weather mat to cover the exposed bolts if you did remove.

Any changes in the '17?


Why not order a new build?

I have dual buckets, without the center console and the bolts are covered with a plastic cover, that you can probably order from Ford.

Why not order a new build?

I have dual buckets, without the center console and the bolts are covered with a plastic cover, that you can probably order from Ford.

Im not sure if my dealer is giving me the run around or not but they told me a new order wont be subject to their "dealership discount". So that is basically like a $3500 difference as we are looking at the Platinum.

I think we will find a Tricoat plat with 2nd row buckets (w/o the center console) within 100 miles in the next month or 2 but it is just not very convenient to shop for. Nothing worse than dealing with multiple ford dealerships looking for inventory. I did that for my SHO and it was a nightmare.

Not sure if I'm understanding your post. The 2nd row buckets if ordered would match the chosen interior of the vehicle and front and 3rd seats. The 2nd row center console is also an option. You can get the buckets with or without the console. If not ordered, there would be a fully carpeted area where it would go. The console itself can also be ordered as an aftermarket item. Since the 2017 model hasn't hit the showrooms yet I doubt anyone may have the info you seek but I would doubt if the 2017 is any different that the 2016 or the previous 5th generation models. According to another post I read, the console is held with 2 bolts in the front and 2 in the rear. Easy to take out.


Im not sure if my dealer is giving me the run around or not but they told me a new order wont be subject to their "dealership discount". So that is basically like a $3500 difference as we are looking at the Platinum.
If the "dealership discount" applies to 2016 models on the lot then I can see why it wouldn't apply to a new order on a 2017. They are probably trying to clear out the last year's models.


Not sure if I'm understanding your post. The 2nd row buckets if ordered would match the chosen interior of the vehicle and front and 3rd seats. The 2nd row center console is also an option. You can get the buckets with or without the console. If not ordered, there would be a fully carpeted area where it would go. The console itself can also be ordered as an aftermarket item. Since the 2017 model hasn't hit the showrooms yet I doubt anyone may have the info you seek but I would doubt if the 2017 is any different that the 2016 or the previous 5th generation models. According to another post I read, the console is held with 2 bolts in the front and 2 in the rear. Easy to take out.


If the "dealership discount" applies to 2016 models on the lot then I can see why it wouldn't apply to a new order on a 2017. They are probably trying to clear out the last year's models.


Sorry if I wasnt clear.

Finding a tricoat Plat with the 2nd row buckets was very difficult to find in my area when we started looking late spring '16. This combined with sync 3 lead us to waiting on the 17s.

As the 17 inventory is now coming out and searchable, it again seems like this will be a tough find.

I have never done a custom order for a car. My dealer eluded to a custom order costing me ~3K more than finding one in inventory. (does this make sense?) any inventory. not just his.

When the '16s came with the console, yes they could be removed. But then you had to deal with aftermarket mats to cover the hole they left. So ideally we are looking for a 17 without the console as they come nice and clean (in regards to the floor) between the bucket seats. Our opinion is the console takes away the advantages of the buckets and access to the 3rd row (with child seat on one of the buckets)

Was hoping that Ford may have recognized the appeal of a removable console in their 50K SUV. If so, we would get one with a console. But i just cant get my wife on board with us having to buy a custom mat to put over the hole/bolts we just exposed on her brand new suv... (and i dont blame her tbh)

Sorry if I wasnt clear.

Finding a tricoat Plat with the 2nd row buckets was very difficult to find in my area when we started looking late spring '16. This combined with sync 3 lead us to waiting on the 17s.

As the 17 inventory is now coming out and searchable, it again seems like this will be a tough find.

I have never done a custom order for a car. My dealer eluded to a custom order costing me ~3K more than finding one in inventory. (does this make sense?) any inventory. not just his.

When the '16s came with the console, yes they could be removed. But then you had to deal with aftermarket mats to cover the hole they left. So ideally we are looking for a 17 without the console as they come nice and clean (in regards to the floor) between the bucket seats. Our opinion is the console takes away the advantages of the buckets and access to the 3rd row (with child seat on one of the buckets)

Was hoping that Ford may have recognized the appeal of a removable console in their 50K SUV. If so, we would get one with a console. But i just cant get my wife on board with us having to buy a custom mat to put over the hole/bolts we just exposed on her brand new suv... (and i dont blame her tbh)

I believe the dealer is trying to pull a fast one, as the price should not be more for a factory order.

I believe the dealer is trying to pull a fast one, as the price should not be more for a factory order.

So if i build the plat with the only add'er of the tricoat and the 2nd row buckets the MSRP (and net price from ford) is 55.4. (sticker)

If that is sitting on the lot i would get the "dealership discount" of ~3500 off that plus what ever else i could negotiate.

I dont know 100% but it sounds like they wouldnt apply this discount for a custom order since it is basically circumventing them and ordering through ford. Does anyone understand the process better and explain if this is correct? If i can do a custom order for the same price i will stop pulling my hair out searching inventory for 2nd row buckets (huge pain as you basically have to open every window sticker you find as I dont know another way to search for the buckets)

So if i build the plat with the only add'er of the tricoat and the 2nd row buckets the MSRP (and net price from ford) is 55.4. (sticker)

If that is sitting on the lot i would get the "dealership discount" of ~3500 off that plus what ever else i could negotiate.

I dont know 100% but it sounds like they wouldnt apply this discount for a custom order since it is basically circumventing them and ordering through ford. Does anyone understand the process better and explain if this is correct? If i can do a custom order for the same price i will stop pulling my hair out searching inventory for 2nd row buckets (huge pain as you basically have to open every window sticker you find as I dont know another way to search for the buckets)

Ah, I see now.
Yes, dealership discounts are at their discretion, versus factory discounts that applies to vehicles already on the lot or a new build.

The dealership is trying to offload their stock and thus providing the $3500 discount and I assume no promos from the factory at this time, well, at least for you folks in the US; as we here in Ontario, Canada have the employee pricing and Costco discount promo in affect.

So if i build the plat with the only add'er of the tricoat and the 2nd row buckets the MSRP (and net price from ford) is 55.4. (sticker)

If that is sitting on the lot i would get the "dealership discount" of ~3500 off that plus what ever else i could negotiate.

I dont know 100% but it sounds like they wouldnt apply this discount for a custom order since it is basically circumventing them and ordering through ford. Does anyone understand the process better and explain if this is correct? If i can do a custom order for the same price i will stop pulling my hair out searching inventory for 2nd row buckets (huge pain as you basically have to open every window sticker you find as I dont know another way to search for the buckets)

The dealer is just playing games with you. All they are trying to do is get you to purchase right then and there and guarantee them a sale instead of ordering and having a sale pending for 6-8 weeks.

If you are paying more then invoice on it regardless of year or trim, you are paying too much. Doesn't matter if it is an order or off the lot. You still get all rebates available on an order and your dealer can do 1 of 2 things.

1) lock in the rebates available at time of order
2) Give you the rebates at the time of delivery.

If they lock them in at time of order and when it arrives, they increased, you can choose the current ones.

I'd start looking at other dealers instead of falling for their tricks. Heck, if you are eligible for Xplan pricing which hundreds of companies are, your price for it would be about $100 over invoice regardless of what year it is or whether you order or buy off the lot.

I hate dealers who lie to customers.. they don't deserve your business.

Hoots711, when placing an order, you are not buying directly from Ford and circumventing the dealer. The order still goes through the dealer and is essentially the same as an order they themselves place for dealer stock.

