Is anyone interested in a Snorkel? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is anyone interested in a Snorkel?

Just a note.

You might want to send all inquiries to the Australian contact. All the products that ARB sells in the US are only around because the Australian market requested it or they saw enough demand at the Australian market to develop something. In order to see something created, you have to send inquiries to the decision-makers in Australia. That’s one of the main reasons we don’t have an ARB front locker (D44 in Australia) in the US or an ARB bull-bar for Explorers (no demand overseas). Just wanted to make a note of this.

Apparently, ARB USA holds little weight when it comes to this.


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It is 1/21 and i have just emailed safari snorkels and pleaded for them to produce a snorkel for us. I gave them the site address and told them to come take a poll. I know personally that i am really interested and most definitely would buy one.

Originally posted by Alec
The key with water is to go slow! Create as little of a bow wave as possible as to not force water through the radiator. With mud, it's harder to go slow cause you need the momentum to get you through, but as long as you're not flinging mud chunks directly into the filter, you should be ok.

Im in for a snorkel! Ive been researching and debating building my own but just cant bring myself to do it. With Alec's quote here... if any of you have read my thread from last summer; i almost killed my car. It wasnt really deep water... maybe just up to my front bumper. I went too fast and must have made ther "perfect" wave to go right into my airbox... thought it was hydrolocked but with some work i got it started and its run perfectly fine ever since.

Point of the story: I do want a snorkel for protection only. I dont enjoy going through water, but it'd be nice to have a small to medium sized snorkel just incase that situation arises again.

Actually Alec you WANT to make as LARGE a bow wave as possible. Not too slow and not too fast. If you go too slow you will be in the water to it's actual depth. A 3 foot deep crossing will feel like 3 feet. If you go a little faster and build up a bow wake you'll actually see the water is lower around your vehicle. The crest of the wave is actually out ahead of your vehicle not at it. You'll be in a swell. This will make the crossing seem shallower, more like 2 and a half feet. If you go too fast you are crashing into this wave and gettting water everywhere. You are in the crest and the crossing will seem more like 4 feet. That's my understanding of how you do it. It takes some practice and skill to get the timing right. My quick and dirty solution to crossings that are at the depth of my bumper or more, (where my intake is) it to take the top off my air box for the crossing. The intake will be taking air from around the top of the engine not down by the bumper.

All this being said...I'd love a snorkle!!:D

I think Jdraper made one as well for Karol, or at least retro-fitted one to her X. Might want to ask him also.
There should be a pic or two of it at the Rausch thread here.

Well I reserved myself to the fact that Safari would not make a snorkel for Explorers. You can always buy their snorkel top and fab up the rest your self.

I have been doing some looking at salvage yards and discovered that several vehicles have a breather assembly that goes in the wheel well. I think it was a Suzuki or Geo. I am planning on geting ahold of one of these and fabbing up my own snorkel. I will get some pics of the assembly I am going to take off and work with.

I like it but what I don't like is the pipes going behind the fender and then the connection through the fender into the airbox.

I think when completed mine will look like Carol's from the outside but what will be different is behind the fender.

wow...this is an old thread. just for the hell of it, I emailed Safari about a snorkel. doubt it will happen, but you never know.

Worst case I'll try to build my own. Decided I needed one after a frightening experience at Paragon. Did the Sat, Dec 5 monthly ride... all the rain and little bit of snow made for a very deep creek crossing and lots of deep mud holes!! Got water inside the airbox and the filter was wet / muddy, but Thank God, no hydolock... (feel like I dodged a bullet.) Would rather not take that chance / come that close again.

OK, so, it's only the BEST Selling SUV on the PLANET for how many years running? Where the HELL is the aftermarket??!!!!??!!!
