Is it my carrier bearing too? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is it my carrier bearing too?


December 9, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Manchester, England
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
Hi all.
Just read the answer to rangerbury's problem and I am wondering if I have the same problem! I can hear a whining noise from the rear from 10mph upwards. It seems to get quieter when I ease off the gas and returns when I gas it again. I have had the rear wheels off the ground and when I pull the wheel it comes toward me about an inch and makes a clunking sound, but it does not come out any further than that.
What do you all think?
Thanks in anticipation.

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The carrier bearings i a good start -- but the only true way of determining whats wrong is to of course remove the differential cover.

1-inch of in/out travel is a lot for the rear wheels. The rear axle shafts are held in by C-clips -- which should only allow maybe 0.2-inches of travel at MOST. With that in mind however, worn out carrier bearings will defintely allow the carrier to move sideways.

I would get this problem taken care of as soon as you can -- postponing it until later will probably lead to severe ring & pinion damage as the two gears are not making proper contact with each other if indeed the carrier bearings are bad.

My problem involves the center carrier bearing for the 2-piece driveshaft on the Ranger Extended Cab. I'm sorry if I confused that with the rear axle shaft bearings. They are two different animals.

Ohhhh - now I remember your post rangerbury :D Yes the two are completely diffrerent.

Thanks Guys. I will try to muster up the courage to remove the cover and have a look inside. Frightening really!
