Is it possible to Hydrolock a 4.0 explorer at a carwash? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is it possible to Hydrolock a 4.0 explorer at a carwash?


February 15, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Flagstaff, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Mazda B4000
I was on another site and someone posted that he was going through an automatic car wash and he said the motor quit while going through the carwash and it would not restart and caused Hydrolock

the snorkel of the air box- it must have hit just right and went in- my air filter was soaked and there was puddles in the bottom of the air box.

To me this does not seem possible. the amount of water that an under carriage wash uses is probably less than 1 gallon total for the front of the rig.

When I mentioned I cant see it possible for it to happen he said:

No i dont have any pics. But as a ASE certified and a ford technician- trust me. Thats how it happened.

Has anyone ever heard of this before?

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I use them all of the time. Used one with stock air box, hacked up stock air box and a FPIK. Over the last 5 years i have done the quick automated wash 100's of times and never had that problem. Not even with the FPIK!

I think the guy ran in some deep water.

i power wash my motor while its running and i have a cone instead of the air box setup, never had a problem.

Thats what Im thinkin here is that he ran through a major puddle and sucked up and filled the airbox. I just cant see how the physics could happen.

take plugs out and crank it? see if water comes out lol

the snorkel of the air box- it must have hit just right and went in- my air filter was soaked and there was puddles in the bottom of the air box.
That's what I would have told my Insurance too :D

"as a ASE certified and a ford technician" - oh let us praise him for he is ASE certified and "Always Correct" are his first and last names :)

"as a ASE certified and a ford technician" - oh let us praise him for he is ASE certified and "Always Correct" are his first and last names :)

Don't get me started on ASE certified mechanics. LOL! I know some who could not even do a tune up

damage pics:


The way that the water and oil are mixed there on the floor it appears to me that the motor had run awhile with water in it to get the milky oil, or am I wrong?

One Jeep that I thought HAD Hydrolocked, but turns out it was bad ass! CLICKY

BTW, I never trust ANYONE that feels like they "have" to tell me how smart they are.

One Jeep that I thought HAD Hydrolocked, but turns out it was bad ass! CLICKY

BTW, I never trust ANYONE that feels like they "have" to tell me how smart they are.

That video is priceless! LMAO.. gotta love the counter balance to get the tires back to the bottom:thumbsup:

gotta love the counter balance to get the tires back to the bottom:thumbsup:
Exactly! When I first watched it, I figured the guy who had jumped on the back was just trying keep it from turtle'ing (a sailing term that means flipping over), but he was helping it to get traction.

I floated an XJ a few years back.........not much fun but luckily a few yard down the stream it hit bottom and was able to climb out to the other bank...........Thank GOD for lockers and tall narrow tires!

A buddy of mine had a brand new Taco and drowned it. The dumbass tried to start it when it was extracted *SIGH*.
