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How To: Replacing Front Hub / Bearing 1995+ Ford Explorer IFS

ABS warning light

I replaced both front hubs and my ABS warning light came on. Can I reset it, what is the problem? I plugged in the ABS cable. Help me please.

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I replaced both front hubs and my ABS warning light came on. Can I reset it, what is the problem? I plugged in the ABS cable. Help me please.

I'm pretty sure those ABS cables go in one way... Make sure you plugged them in tight...
To reset, remove the negative cable from the battery for about 10mins, should reset the computer, and you'll be set from there.... ABS or CE light shouldn't come on until about 3-10miles of driving... Unless the ABS sensors in the hub are bad, which I highly doubt...

Thank you so much, I replaced the UCA and Lower Ball joints this morning. I used your guide and it was a big help. I couldn't spell Upper Control Arm this morning.

You're probably sick of this by now but

Awesome Post ncc! I'm doing my '98 XLT this weekend. If only all how-to's were this thorough! 2 thumbs WAY UP! I really appreciate this, words cannot adequately describe!! Have you considered youtube repair videos? There's a guy on (forum like this one) that records his repairs on video then posts them to youtube.

I bet if you request a paypal donation you'd get 'em. You would from me!!

Thanx for this write up! I did this yesterday and blasted through the whole thing in an hour, kudos to you!!:salute:

replacing front hub/ 1995+ explorer

Thank you for your detailed instructions,was concerned if i would be able
to do this job. with your help,it will be no problem.
Auto shop wanted 339.00 for part
60.00 for labor.

Thanks again gfwill

It varies. Some people drive several weeks with it making noise.

Mine started making noise, then broke the next day...less than 50 miles. It was undriveable when it broke, but the wheel didn't fall off. Fortunately it broke at work while I was driving it onto the alignment rack. Didn't have to go far to fix it.

Just wanted to say "Thanks" for this post! Read it this morning, bought the part for $150, and just got done with the install! Very smooth and car runs nice and smooth now too!


is there a manual lock hub u can put in its place that is about the same level of difficulty?

there is a company that makes manual hubs for the 3rd gen Rangers (which would obviously work with some Explorers), but there is no replacement hub/bearing assy that is of a different design.

there is a company that makes manual hubs for the 3rd gen Rangers (which would obviously work with some Explorers), but there is no replacement hub/bearing assy that is of a different design.

do u happen to know the name of the company? would it work on a 99 eddie?

I just want to say thanks a million for this, and the other front end suspension/axle threads. I finally did my hubs yesterday after more than a month of the drivers side started howelling louder and louder. DO NOT DO THIS! I probably put a thousand miles on my Ex while waiting for paychecks, parts, and free time and could it have catastrophically failed at any point putting me in the hospital or worse. Anyway, I went with the cheap-o hubs from an apparently banned online reseller for just over $80 a piece.

They got good reviews and the price was certainly right. And since the closest I come to off roading is driving over curbs and gravel drives I figured I'd be OK. I'll post again if I have any problems or premature failure. Of note was the fact I had no problems with the ABS sensor cables as some reviewers stated.

All told it took me about three hours with a couple breaks and some dumb moves, the bulk of which was spent on the first hub learning and cursing. I had also purchased new LBJ's and KYB shocks but ended up saving them for another day based on the amount of daylight I had available.

Thanks again!

F^#K the part that i ordered came, but its broke.. and of course i didnt figure that out until i had the whole front side apart :rolleyes:

im going to call the company monday i guess.. does anyone think it would have been ok to install it like this?


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if that ABS sensor/wire is the only thing broken, you could pull the one off your old hub/bearing assy and install on this one.

otherwise... it would fine, but your ABS light would be on

I would also just swap the sensors. The 4WD ABS sensors don't fail hardly at all, I probably could have four or six spares by now.

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would i lose my abs? i thought about swapping them, but i didnt want to take the new one apart, because its glued, and i didnt want to void the warranty on it. also i dont know whats inside there.. is it a bunch of wires, and complicated?
