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Is my hub busted?

If the 4x4 light comes on both the button and the dash, that means 4x4 is engaged. If the 4x4 is not working, that means it's the hubs correct? Because I cleaned both hubs, and they appeared to be in good shape, yet my 4x4 isn't working.......

Also, is there a diagram that shows how the hub goes back together? I can't seem to find one. Or someone with pictures of the assembly?

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If the 4x4 light comes on both the button and the dash, that means 4x4 is engaged. If the 4x4 is not working, that means it's the hubs correct? Because I cleaned both hubs, and they appeared to be in good shape, yet my 4x4 isn't working.......

Also, is there a diagram that shows how the hub goes back together? I can't seem to find one. Or someone with pictures of the assembly?

That generally is the case. Best way to verify is to push the button, when the light comes on Turn the car off, put in Park, roll under teh car and see if you can turn the Front Driveshaft. If the Transfer case is engaged and the car is in Park, you shouldn't be able to turn the shaft.

Reassemble the in you took all the guts out and want to reinstall?

That generally is the case. Best way to verify is to push the button, when the light comes on Turn the car off, put in Park, roll under the car and see if you can turn the Front Driveshaft. If the Transfer case is engaged and the car is in Park, you shouldn't be able to turn the shaft.

Reassemble the in you took all the guts out and want to reinstall?

I took the hubs apart, cleaned them, and put them back together. The 4x4 light comes on the dash, and the button, but the 4x4 isn't working. I'll try putting it in park and turning it off with the 4x4 on.

I just checked, and the transfer case is engaging. So it's either one, or both of the hubs. I didn't see any broken pieces though.

I ordered a set of MileMarker hubs tonight. Suppose to be in Tuesday. I'm fed up with those autohubs. They didn't appear to be broke, and I cleaned them good, yet they still don't work.

I ordered a set of MileMarker hubs tonight. Suppose to be in Tuesday. I'm fed up with those autohubs. They didn't appear to be broke, and I cleaned them good, yet they still don't work.

I finally got to see your Picks. It was obvious that something was hosed that caused the front of the Auto hub to bust out.
There was a picture that showed the axle not far enough out. On the side with the broken Hub, is there a Washer and small 'C' clip about 3" in on the spline? The Splining stops to leave a 1/8" gap for this 'C' it there?
Was the Driveshaft turning when you pushed in for 4WD? how about the passenger axle, could you see that turning?

Manual Hubs. Are you familiar with how to assemble the two Nuts and washer that comes in the NUT Kit?

Yes, the c clips were there. I parked it with it in 4x4, and the drive shaft wouldn't turn. Also, when turning the driveshaft in 2x4 the front axles did turn.

I did see a conversion walk through somewhere.

Yes, the c clips were there. I parked it with it in 4x4, and the drive shaft wouldn't turn. Also, when turning the driveshaft in 2x4 the front axles did turn.

I did see a conversion walk through somewhere.

That's good news. sounds like all the issues are with the hubs

Spindle nuts. One has a Pin in it. that goes on first with the pin facing out. That nut sets the tightness of the Bearings ( almost hand tight is good).
Next you put the washer on so the inner bump sits in the groove in the Spindle AND the Pin in the Nut comes through one of the holes in the washer. This Washer is what locks that first nut so it doesn't turn and mess up the bearings. Lastly, the other nut without the pin goes on, crank that baby tight.
