Is there T-Case adjustment? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is there T-Case adjustment?


Well-Known Member
November 23, 2004
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Bismarck ND
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2001 Explorer SportTrac
I scanned 355 forum posts with the search and still have no Positive answer! Figured i would tell ya I did use the Search. Ha..

Does the Transfer case on my 95 Sport have any sort of adjustments to aid in its shifting between high and low range?
When I engage Low range it sounds like someone is putting a stick against the spokes of a spinning bike rim.The ticking is only in low range. Then when I make a semi sharp turn on dirt the front end sounds like the front diff gears are coming apart. A very loud kinda bang and pop sound!
If my T-case is puking I am thinking about the manual T-case swap in.

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You shouldn't use low on hard packed dirt. Your driveline is binding up, and if done too much you came damage the axle shafts. If you drive in a straight line under torque does it make any sounds? Does it only tick when shifting? Your shift motor may be dirty, and in need of a cleaning.

I believe your binding up as described above. Low range = no sharp turns.

You can take the shift motor off and put the T case in L or H yourself and see if you have a noise. I doubt it.

IN between 2wd and 4hi and 4L is neautral, so I doubt the T case is between gears.

Thanks for the quick response! The ticking noise is a constant while I am moving forward and reverse. It does not tick in 4 hi.
The diff popping noise starts when I give it some throttle climbing uphill and turning somewhat to negotiate the trail, no major right or left hand turning.
Would the vacuum disconnect cause any of this? I am going to check all the lines anyway.

sounds like a axleshaft/u joint issue


Try disconnecting the front D shaft, put it in 4h-and then 4L and see if it ticks.

I am almost, almost sure the ticking is coming from the Tcase. I almost fell out of the X :rolleyes: leaning as far as I could out and down to listen. ha ha
I will check the D shaft joints..

removing the D shaft will make you 100% sure.

BigDakota said:
I am almost, almost sure the ticking is coming from the Tcase. I almost fell out of the X :rolleyes: leaning as far as I could out and down to listen. ha ha
I will check the D shaft joints..
I am 100% sure...I removed D shaft and drove it. Noise is coming from Tcase..see..hanging out of the truck like an acrobat works ..sometimes.. :p ....That is..until...road rash occurs after falling out :D

I ran the friggin crap out of the X yesterday on anything that had an incline..ditch,creek banks and construction dirt piles. The 4- low works flawlessly straight ahead I noticed it made the popping diff noise while coming down incline..just once..I was powering up one side of hill and coasted down the other it wanted to pop out of 4x4...

The clutch in your t case may be slipping.
