Its bad for your car to let it idle in the morning? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Its bad for your car to let it idle in the morning?

i let my explorer warm up for around 10 to 15 minutes befroe hopping in it, i have done so since i have owned it. i've never had any major problems with it so far. our work trucks have a extraction machine inside them that hold water, in the winter time these trucks run 24/7, never a problem with them either. i agree and think this is a bs claim. but i guess to each his own right?

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Chew_12 said:
Myth busted as in you dont need to let your engine warm up for it to run the best?

No, not even close to my point. Re read my posts leading up to that. Myth busted as to mean the claims as to why long term idling is bad and get in and go is good. Closed loop / open loop.

I heard idling is harder on a vehicle than actually driving it. I let mine warm up a minute or 2 before I leave. If it does, woohoo! Lightning time :p :confused:

MONMIX said:
No, not even close to my point. Re read my posts leading up to that. Myth busted as to mean the claims as to why long term idling is bad and get in and go is good. Closed loop / open loop.

Ok I didnt know what open and closed loop was. This teacher of mine is really a nice guy. He does talk a lot about global warming, and he definately a "green" person as we call them around here. When I first read it, it went agaisnt everything that I have read on here, but I just wanted to see what you guys thought :) . Im glade this has been such a good topic, although I dont like people that call him a a$$hole because he is such a nice guy. He is just trying to reduce the smog, however his ways arent that ethical. Thanks for your guys good facts!

It has been a good topic, albiet one that has no concrete answere that has been answered at this point.
Just for grins if possible, print out the responses from this site, present them to your instuctor, if he is willing to rebut them with facts, perhaps we can all learn something

spindlecone said:
It has been a good topic, albiet one that has no concrete answere that has been answered at this point.
Just for grins if possible, print out the responses from this site, present them to your instuctor, if he is willing to rebut them with facts, perhaps we can all learn something

Ill do that after finals ;)

Chew_12 said:
Ill do that after finals ;)
Fully understand, I happen to agree with your instructor to a point.
If anyone can prove that warming up your engine for extended periods I:E 10 mins or more,is benificial, than proof would be great.
If it do's no good, than it would be hard to state that doing so will not add to pollution and a waste of what has become a pricy commodity

how is idling for 10 minutes any different then driving around for 10 minutes... in the terms of overall pollution?

Creager said:
how is idling for 10 minutes any different then driving around for 10 minutes... in the terms of overall pollution?
The topic is warming up your engine, 9 minutes if idling,if not neccasary, is a waste of fuel, warm it up for a minute, and go, if its cold out, wear a coat, than turn on the heater, seems simple enough to me

Creager said:
how is idling for 10 minutes any different then driving around for 10 minutes... in the terms of overall pollution?
Well in my mind whatever makes your engine run at a higher RPM ( I.E. driving) will burn more fuel and therefore produce more pollution. I don't know if this is right or not, but i would like to.

Also, what is wrong with being "green"? I have grown up in Flagstaff. Those of you who know Flagstaff know that it is surrounded by beautiful forests and some of the prettiest places on Earth (IMO). Why would i want to see this destroyed? Whatever i can do to help protect (within reason) the environment i will do. Now, i am NOT a hippy. But i do love being outdoors. Things like hiking, mountain biking and the like are things i live by. I don't like it when people just classify people as environmentalist hippy tree huggers and stop listening to anything they have to say. Sorry bout the rant but i have to stand up for the things i love. I'm not trying to start a fight here.

Chew, i really would like to see what the prof says when you show him the stuff here. I'm looking forward to it actually.

spindlecone said:
The topic is warming up your engine, 9 minutes if idling,if not neccasary, is a waste of fuel, warm it up for a minute, and go, if its cold out, wear a coat, than turn on the heater, seems simple enough to me

turning on the heater does no good if the truck is cold(just blows cold air on your) i personly dont go out and start it(to much work in the morning) but once i get my remote start fixed you can bet it will be started 20mins before i head out so that i have a nice and toasty seat to sit in. :D

While cold-idle warm up is a good idea, prologned hot-idle can lead to cylinder wall and ring damage. The conidition is called "cylinder wash," and happens when the idle-oil pressure in a hot engine (say 10-15psi) isn't enough to keep the rings lubricated. Many cop cars and taxis with the modular 4.6 have this problem, yet they are arguably the hardest-used commercial gas-engine.

However, when an engine is cold, oil pressure at idle is usually close to 50psi because the fluid is so thick. Warm up your engine, to get that fluid flowing!


96limitedX said:
turning on the heater does no good if the truck is cold(just blows cold air on your) i personly dont go out and start it(to much work in the morning) but once i get my remote start fixed you can bet it will be started 20mins before i head out so that i have a nice and toasty seat to sit in. :D
If your only concern is to run your ex for 20 mins to make your Butt warm, I guess that is a good thing.
Your 16 yrs old, perhaps your grandchildren will reap what you sowed 40 yrs from now.

spindlecone said:
If your only concern is to run your ex for 20 mins to make your Butt warm, I guess that is a good thing.
Your 16 yrs old, perhaps your grandchildren will reap what you sowed 40 yrs from now.

well thats your opinion....

but i know many people that let the cars/trucks idle for way more then 10 mins. i used to have to go start my moms car up 30mins before we left when i was little :D and the ride to school was nice.

TheFox88 said:
Well in my mind whatever makes your engine run at a higher RPM ( I.E. driving) will burn more fuel and therefore produce more pollution. I don't know if this is right or not, but i would like to.

Also, what is wrong with being "green"? I have grown up in Flagstaff. Those of you who know Flagstaff know that it is surrounded by beautiful forests and some of the prettiest places on Earth (IMO). Why would i want to see this destroyed? Whatever i can do to help protect (within reason) the environment i will do. Now, i am NOT a hippy. But i do love being outdoors. Things like hiking, mountain biking and the like are things i live by. I don't like it when people just classify people as environmentalist hippy tree huggers and stop listening to anything they have to say. Sorry bout the rant but i have to stand up for the things i love. I'm not trying to start a fight here.

Chew, i really would like to see what the prof says when you show him the stuff here. I'm looking forward to it actually.

Im not say being "green" is bad, not at all. I think those people are helping the enviroment tremendiously! I think the world would be a lot worse without them. Im was just saying that he cares about nature and alters his life to help nature, and tries to alter other peoples lives too. Flagstaff is a awesome city with the trees and nature all around. I noticed while living around here that I am more nature friendly (other than my truck). I'm sure you feel 10x more that way because you have lived here most of your life(I think). I hope others reading this thread will not get a negative opinion of "green" people. Its another way of living, which helps the enviroment. This is a truck forum, so there is definately a biased opinion on here because everyone loves there trucks. Im sure if I posted this on a enviromental website everyone would agree with this e-mail.

Note: My teacher is going to go NUTS when he sees this, he hates people stereotyping! I have done it, and most people that have posted have does this. This is why I am weary of showing him this.

Edit: "Green" = Enviromentalist - Its easier for me to say Green than Enviormentalist, I dont like spelling long words :). When I say green I mean someone who looks out for the enviroment, more than most people.

My cars are started & run within a min. or so. It doesnt hurt a car to drive it when its cold. All Auto Mfgs. recomend starting and driving in normal conditions. -30 is not normal.(Nor are people who live in those conditions. :) jk)
I used to idle a cold car till it warmed when I was young and not tough enough to take the cold and the gas cost less than a dollar a gallon. Now that I'm older and tougher and cheaper and gas costs $2.++ a gallon I just get in and drive.
I guess that makes me "green" as I want to keep the green in my pocket and not give it to the oil companies.

I usually wait untill the airbag light goes out on my dash (30 seconds) before shifting the transmission.

Nothing wrong with being green at all.

It is the fanatics I have issue with ( in all realms )

TheFox88 said:
I don't like it when people just classify people as environmentalist hippy tree huggers and stop listening to anything they have to say.

^ :thumbsup:

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I basically start mine, get a good tune on, seatbelt on, do any snow removal if I have to and I'm off. About a minute give or take just to let the thickened fluids get moving.
