Jeep guy here with some '98 XLT questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jeep guy here with some '98 XLT questions

Danimal ZJ

New Member
January 29, 2003
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Lake Bluff, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Grand Cherokee TSi
Hey guys,

My friend had a '96 XLT but crashed it during a snow last fall. He wants a new one now and I know Jeeps, but not Explorers. He's looking at a '98 with 80K miles for around $9K. I know the rear axles are very beefy, but do they get rebuilt often? How about the trans and transfer case at this mileage? And lastly, didn't they change the 4.0L V6 in '98 to a DOHC? How does this engine hold up?

I just don't know if mileage is a big problem on Explorers because he'll probably buy this and keep it for 5 or so years.

Thanks alot guys.

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Sorry one more comment. He wants to have the 2wd option. Is that what Control Trac is? He doesn't want Auto, 4 HI and 4 LO.

Thanks again!

Depending on where you are..........9K for 80K miles may be a little steep. Most 8.8 rears never need rebuilding unless gear ratios are being changed. For the most part, they will last the life of the truck (unless you get a lemon rear like I did:D ). In '98, there were 2 V6s available, the 4.0 OHV and the 4.0 SOHC. The SOHC has a bit more power, but reliability is debatable. The OHV is a proven workhorse. With 80K miles, the only real concern is the tranny. Control Trac was only available in 95-96, I am not sure what will be in the 98.


In 98 there was a 4.0 OHV, 4.0 SOHC and 5.0 V8 available. I have the SOHC in mine and its great. Its got a 5sp auto tranny and it shifts great and has lots of power. As for the auto 4wd... Some members on this board figured out how to get around that. It involves digging up a wire under the drivers seat and putting a switch in it. With the switch off you have 2wd and 2wd lo and with it on its just like normal. I have done it to mine and it works great.

Does the switch thing work for a AWD??

Hi, and welcome to the site.
I think I can answer most of your questions.
1. The 8.8 will never have to be rebuilt unless your hopping on rocks with 37" tires or you leak all the gear oil out of it. This is a no worry item.
2. The transmission is the weakest link on the truck. I had to have mine doneat 92K, but it really depends on how it was driven. If it was wheeled hard, then look for it soon. The best part of this is most people don't take them 3wheeling. Some if theguys here have over 150k miles on th same tranny.
3. The transfercase is pretty good for a chain driven T-case. Most problems come from the T-case shift motor, which is usually a easy fix. For the most part, this is also a no worry item.
4. I believe they still had 4.0L OHV engines, but most were the 4.0L SOHC motors. There was a problem with the SOHC motors, that the cam chain tensioners were defective, but I believe that most of the ptoblems were fixed by the time that the 98's came out. I'm sure some one else can correct me if I'm wrong. I have had both the OHV and the SOHC and even though the cam chain tensioner was a problem for me, I still like the power of the SOHC. 97 was the first year the SOHC came out, thus it was also the most problem year, still not everyone had top have their engines fixed.
5. Is 80k miles a problem? There are many here that have over 250,000 miles on their Explorers, and they are still running strong. I have a 97 with over 100k and other than the cam chain tensioner and other normal wear parts, it's running just fine.
6. Only 95&96 models have 2wd, auto4x4,4lo.
97+ models have the 4auto,4hi,4lo.
You won't have a problem with the 97+ models going into 4wheel drive on a dry surface.
All models from 95 on up have solid hubs, so the front drive lines are always turning when the truck is moving. Only pre95 models have free locking hubs. Is this what he concerned with? Hope this helps :)

Originally posted by Garth
Does the switch thing work for a AWD??

Wow thanks for all of the responses guys! Yeah pretty much all of my questions were answered, but I'll talk to my friend and see if he has anymore.

As far as a '98 having no 2wd, is the switch a hard mod to do? I can do quite a bit under a vehicle, but I still have trouble with some electricals. And has anyone had a problem with making this switch and it not going back into 4wd?

Thanks again guys!

The switch mod is very easy to do and I haven't heard of anyone having problems with it as long as the electrical work stays solid.

I believe all that is involved in putting the switch in is cutting the wire and putting a switch on it. Just extend the wire to where ever you are gonna mount the switch and thats it. There is a relay used on mine but I think someone tested the wire and it wasnt enough current to require using a relay, so just a switch is fine. No problems have been found with doing this mod as of yet and I know some people have had it done for over a year.

4wd switch position AUTO____4WD____4LO

With the switch off_ 2WD____2WD____2LO

With the switch on_AUTO____4WD____4LO

simple and works great.
