Jessica Simpson's new Dukes of Hazzard music video | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jessica Simpson's new Dukes of Hazzard music video

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God, I'm old.
I still have the LP (Long Play 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl Record) of Nancy Sinatra's album that featured that song. Nancy had "go-go" boots on her album cover; not cowboy boots.

I HATE her.................but GEEZ, she's hot!!!! :eek:

I also hate when older classics are "modernized!!!" That song wasn't created for that beat, don't enforce that beat on it!!! :(

Oh, and when you HAVE to have the singer washing a car in a bikini.....................something sucks! It requires a bikini car washing to sell!! ;)

Gimp said:
God, I'm old.
I still have the LP (Long Play 33-1/3 RPM Vinyl Record) of Nancy Sinatra's album that featured that song. Nancy had "go-go" boots on her album cover; not cowboy boots.
Simpson had NO idea that Sinatra originally did "Boots" when she was asked to sing it.

Did I mention that I hate her? :D

<---- that is a nice video

Yes, she remade it awfully. The only highlight of the video is washing the car.

there's only 2 redeeming qualities to that video... Jessica in a bikini :D and Willie Nelson. Wonder how much they had to pay him to do it?

:chug: :chug:

Them boots need parked beside my bed while she "walks" all over me.
;) :D

Nick you lucky, lucky *******.

She would be perfect if she were a mute. Those boots were made for knockin' ;)


things i would do with that........

I'm with Robb, I HATE her too. I really wouldn't mind if she never sang another song.

I don't think shes that damn great. I see hotter going into Atlanta that I may actually have a chance with. I'm not really into blondes either, and I'm more an "A" man than a "T" man ;)

She doesn't sing any better than Nancy Sinatra or perform any better than her, but I'd rather bed her than Nancy. Hell! Nancy must be about 50+ years old now.

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HEY! Did you guys know she sings? I had no idea. Turn out, she is saying "boots" and "walking", not....

And what car are y'all talking about? I've been watching for an hour now, in slow-mo, and have yet to see a car. But the front end does seem to have excessive shimmy.
