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jet chip

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i am looking for the most horsepower and the best overall change from stock.

ive heard a lot of people debate the henson vs the bama whats the hp increase seen from the henson vs the bama

i am looking for the most horsepower and the best overall change from stock.

ive heard a lot of people debate the henson vs the bama whats the hp increase seen from the henson vs the bama

They both represent SCT custom tuning.

What you want is customer support--

i have never heard anyone say anything good about the jet chips... they are not a custom tune for the user, are a one time deal, and are very generic tunes, i would stay away from a jet

for the SCT XCal2 is there anyone on here dealer wise? and whats the prics normally run

The actual jet chip isent horrible it does what it says it will. its like a really mellow 1 time tune. More HP better accel, and crisper shifts.
But a flash tune like sct2 is adjustable and can do a whole lot more and get you way more power and the shifts you want plus you can switch from high HP for cruising then to econ to be your daily driver or for long trips in about 5min of hooking it up and pressing some buttens

So for about $200 more you get a way way way better product. I beleave the tuner its self is about $380 and tunes cost about $40-50 for sct and the chip is $230
you get what you pay for

edit: BTW i agree I'd go with james (jah81592) for a tune hes a great guy and a member of the forum. He will take good care of you what ever route you go
edit X2: I don't like most products from jet but i had one in my mounty before and it was actualy pretty good and had no problems with it.

jet is not worth it.

I am well pleased with Dougs level of service at Bama.
