mac intake, dual exhaust, jet chip performance? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mac intake, dual exhaust, jet chip performance?


Explorer Addict
June 20, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 5.0L V8 AWD XLT
would i notice a big improvement from getting the mac intake, dual exhaust and the jet chip (yea yea, i know most of u guys dont like em, but i juss want something with a generic tune thats not these crappy stock settings, and i can use any fuel i want..

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greenmountaineer says the stock headers are way too restrictive, doing any exhaust work would yield no results except sound, would you agree?

greenmountaineer says the stock headers are way too restrictive, doing any exhaust work would yield no results except sound, would you agree?

I have no dyno numbers just the ol' seat of the pants.
I steped my exhaust up to a single Flowmaster SUV-50, 2.5 pipe cat back and no resonator and I am well pleased.

Reason would dictate that a more free flowing exhaust would free up a few HP

greenmountaineer says the stock headers are way too restrictive, doing any exhaust work would yield no results except sound, would you agree?

A resounding NO.

The stock exhaust manifolds are very good.

as he said though, if the headers are that restrictive, its not going to matter what you do past the restriction because it's still letting out just the same amount of exhaust..

what about instead of getting dual, i get that flowmaster 50 series....... god, i know nothing about exhaust... what does the fm50 consist of?

is there any guide about exhaust around?

this is just driving me nuts, i can't come to a conclusion, MountaineerGreen has a point, but then again, idk... im so confused.... aldive you say it'll still help.. and i can tell you've put a Lot of work and research into your truck... i wanna get MountaineerGreen in here and see what he thinks... n see what you two conclude..

why does this have to be so complicated?.... skjdhglkjdhf:roll:

98 Xlt 5.0 V8

so is MountaineerGreen right? it would be completely pointless and a big waste of money to have my exhaust worked on?

if that's the case, without aftermarket headers... would it still be worth buying the mac intake and maybe the chip?

It would not be useless, however, to get the most out of the 5.0, you will need the headers.

Good luck ....

damn... ok.. fine... do you think I could get the TM headers and the flowmaster setup for under a grand? also, is the exhaust on the 5.0 too restrictive?

nah, im listenin to you.. just trying to get different opinions.. you and aldive seem to know a lot.. thing is with the chip.. i dont want to have to use more expensive gas.. =\

the way i drive... any mpg improvement would go unnoticed

and what about the "pinging" i hear about cuz ppl use the wrong fuel? idk..

dont use the wrong fuel :rolleyes:

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i mean like using a higher or lower octane rated fuel... idk.. what can happen?

with a tuner of course
