Joe Dirt's 2000 Ex-El-Tee "Deuce" | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Welcome to the registry for Wedgie 2.0, who has been affectionately named "Deuce"

From Shad's info to save keystrokes:

Here is the run down:

2000 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0L - AWD
Deep Wedgewood Blue
Gray Leather
Yada, yada, yada...


  • Transmission rebuilt at 160,000 miles, and filled with synthetic
  • Lifted 2" in front with torsion keys
  • Lifted 3" in back with Add-a-Leaf and Warrior Shackles
  • New Superlift shocks at 166,000 miles
  • 31" x 10.5" tires
  • As much rust as some southern trucks- she's clean...

Interesting fact- it was an XLT fitted with air-ride shocks from the factory. System was disabled with the kit and shocks were put on to avoid costly repair.

Next to Wedgie:




Today 1/28/11 was the first car wash.


And yes, it needs to be cleaned... :D


Um... This is going to be my biggest challenge to date.





But it's going to be fine. It's an incredible place to start- the steering wheel isn't even gummy or rolled. I'm very pleased with the canvas... :thumbsup:

Anyway, after the car wash, I snapped some pics for starting point reference.
So, here are our obligatory before pictures...






Door seams always oiled


Hatch looks brand new as well!


Nothing on the rocker seams ...but a paint chip :D


Rockers nice. No rust even at the back- just grime and ice. I think the mudflaps really helped...


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Looks like a winner Joe.

Once you take the family off the pavement, and see the giant smiles on their faces, the 4406 swap will be more interesting to you. Think about the trips with the forum members to places like Ouray CO, and many other beautiful scenic spots we travel to. I'm just saying ;)

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I thought you were getting a minivan man omg lol. This is hilarious.
Posted via Mobile Device

Honestly- I would really love to do some real Exploring. I'm an outdoors kind of guy, I think as long as there is a nice stream, lake, or blind at the end I'd be all over it. :)

Honestly- I would really love to do some real Exploring. I'm an outdoors kind of guy, I think as long as there is a nice stream, lake, or restaurant at the end I'd be all over it. :)

"There I fixed it"

Great to see a new thread for Deuce! Can't wait to see when the "overhaul" will start.

Bloody big flares will help keep her clean Joe, but you might want get an onboard high pressure cleaner. Might be a handy off road accessory mate. Try not to get too crazy though.


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It's the total mental breakdown after he gets it muddy for the first time that I'm waiting for:D

Don't forget the wd-40 either, it may be a horrible lubricant but I hear it works well for keeping mud off the underside of a truck.

Are you playing with me, being helpful, do you really just want to see me with a case of WD40 laying under my truck, spraying? LOL!

"There I fixed it"

Spot on... :D

<EDIT> I'll confess- when I answered this, I was sitting at Sophia's Pancake House with a 5-egg Michigan apple and cheese omlette, hash browns and blackberry pancakes in front of me. :D

I have a pressure washer like that, all I need is an inverter... Hmmm... Good idea, Lynchy! I can clean off the mud before it dries! :D

Can you handle trail scratches? I feel like you would have a blast, but then just have an itch you can't scratch

I was pretty weary about the AWD and offroading, but ive messed around in some DEEP snow and the AWD kicked the snows ass.

Until you have been to some of these places, you just won't understand the need for a low range. The Mountain ranges are not a flat grassy field, nor are they a parking lot covered in snow. The trails change with the seasons, they are washed out in places, they have obstacles to overcome, they have steep verts to climb and descend. Climbing and engine braking capabilities, are crucial to navigate both.

Awd is great, but it is not meant for taking the abuse that a 4x4 can accomplish easy with less potential harm to the trans or engine, thanks to low range gear reduction. Heat kills parts, and heat build up is what happens when you stress the high range Awd.

Just saying.........

Gman, didnt mean to confuse with my post, I fully agree and understand AWD does not compare to low range. I was simply stating for minor things, AWD kicks ass. If I had a rig like Joes (Lifted, big tires, etc) Then I would be strongly considering the 4406 swap, because it'd be so tempting to hit some trails.

Are you playing with me, being helpful, do you really just want to see me with a case of WD40 laying under my truck, spraying? LOL!

They sell it in gallon Jugs also. Just sayin';)

u plan on doing any mods to it

I was waiting for that one... :D

Not sure Sam, since I've not had anything lifted before, I think I have to try it first... For now, probably just a new muffler for sound. :)

Gallon of WD40? Metal ones- I did see those now that you mention it... I'd use Pam, but that would just make me hungry... :D

<EDIT> Now I'm eating at Rainforest Cafe... LOL!

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Hey Joe.... lovely truck... have you seen the carpet it the one I got yesterday?? haha...

