Josh's 92 X with new paint & 38.5" TSL's. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Josh's 92 X with new paint & 38.5" TSL's.

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the link doesn't work

Looks super sweet! That thing is huge!

Man, that geocities host sucks! Sometimes the website comes up somes times it won't. If it doesn't just try again later.

Sweet looking truck. I liked the way you painted your rear view mirrors also. It just makes it look so much cleaner in my opinion. Congrats....

Very Nice. That thing's massive. I remember looking at your truck when it was green. It was huge then, and now it's even huger! And yes, huger is a word. :p

That thing is huge :eek: Very clean! Keep up the good work!

Very nice Platinum. I always loved that Explorer :)





Badass... simply badass! :confused:

Nice Ex!!!!! A bit too tall for my taste, but a very nice truck non-the-less.

That's pretty sweet man!!!
Is that just for show??, cause that is super clean!!
