Just Bought a 98 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just Bought a 98 Explorer


New Member
September 13, 2007
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City, State
Aberdeen, Scotland
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer
Hello I am a new member from Scotland in the UK and I have just bought a 98 Explorer with 77,000 miles on the clock which I really like. The car has two minor problems and I wondered if they were common issues.

The first one is a minor water leak that seems to be coming from the bottom right hand corner of the radiator.

The second one is vibration at speeds between 65 and 75 miles per hour. I had all four wheels balanced and it did improve it a bit but it is still there.

I just wondered if they were common problems with the explorer and if there were any known fixes.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


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welcome to the forum craigie

Welcome from the US:exporange . One thing that i found is that a long trip above 70 mph can get rid of small vibrations. It kind of breaks the car in after not a lot of highway driving.

I hope you enjoy your time here.


Welcome to Explorer Forum! Good luck with your vibration.

unless the water leak is a radiator leak its nothing to worry about. i believe it has to do with the AC but not sure. check to see if your tires are worped (on the side, bows in) if so then you need new ties, or could be tires are off ballence or you need front end alligned.

yes i know bad spelling ;)
