Just bought an '01 Sport Trac. 5.0 time. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just bought an '01 Sport Trac. 5.0 time.


Well-Known Member
June 24, 2004
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'01 ST 5.0 sold
'07 ST8
I purchased a wrecked '96 5.0 AWD Explorer for the drivetrain and then was considering getting back on the road instead of parting. Now I bought an '01 Sport Trac very cheap. 300,000 miles on it. :eek: I will probably be parting out the '96 and doing the swap over the next months if everything goes well.

Anyone else working on this project? I saw a couple people asking about it and have seen engine swaps in other Explorers.

I have done 3 Rangers 4cyl to 5.0 swap over the years. All with EFI. 88, 90, and 92. This '01 will have many new issues I never had to deal with in the older vehicles.

Surely someone has done this one? When I drove a new one in 2000, I figured someday I would be putting a 302 in one. :D

I was surprised to see how much longer it was next to my '96 Explorer!

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You should be able to swap over the entire drivetrain 100% bolt in. Get the wiring harness, computer, motor mounts, everything. The only thing that won't bolt up is the rear driveshaft. I strongly suggest hooking up a 4406 selectable transfercase instead of AWD as you do the swap.

Some issues that you will have to overcome:

96 5.0 has a return fuel system, ST is returnless.
96 Ex PCM is not PATS compatible, ST has PATS.
Instrument cluster need minor rewire to read V8 RPM.
ST speedometer driven from transmission OSS sensor through PCM, 96 Explorer from signal generator at the transmission or transfer case.

None of the above is impossible but it keeps the install from being plug and play.


Excellent. Great information guys. I sure would like to keep the return fuel system. I just replaced the fuel pump in that '96. :) I have the complete '96 and it is running, so I will try to pull everything out of it. I do have to get rid of it at some point to make room in my garage for the project though.

I will take pictures and try to document along the way.

ttbit that would be awesome if u put the 5.0 on ur sport trac that would be bad ass

ttbit that would be awesome if u put the 5.0 on ur sport trac that would be bad ass

Thanks. I plan to pull all the 5.0 stuff out next week (I have it off). If I thought I could get close to completion in a week I would. If I can get the 4.0 running right in the cold, I may wait a few months before completing.

Say Bob, wouldn't he do better by keeping the 1999+ returnless system, getting a newer PCM and fuel rail/injectors/pump? I know that you did it, so doing the same thing would be easier to follow yes?

Say Bob, wouldn't he do better by keeping the 1999+ returnless system, getting a newer PCM and fuel rail/injectors/pump? I know that you did it, so doing the same thing would be easier to follow yes?
That's how I would do it. It guess it comes down to whether you prefer to convert the parts at the back of the truck or the front.

I like the higher pressure of the 99+ systems, but for high end power projects, the return system seems to still be better.

Both fuel systems would be fine for my power output. I will probably install a KB at some point as I know how to tune for it and had GREAT driveability when I installed one in my '95 Mustang some years back. I can't see planning for more than 400 rwhp. On the Mustang I had just over 400 rwtq and 350 rwhp and was pretty happy.

I am more concerned with the brake system. I am planning on using the '96 rear diff with it's disc brakes. Not sure if that means different master or other parts.
