Just cleaned my MAF sensor should I.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just cleaned my MAF sensor should I..

Sid Daley

Well-Known Member
January 6, 2003
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City, State
Surrey B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT Sohc
Disconnect the battery for 15 minutes to allow the computer to relearn itself or is this not necessary?
I also just sprayed the wires with carb cleaner and
then let it dry, Is this a preferred method?

As well I had to use a dremel to simplify removing
the secure torx bolts, I would like to replace those
bolts would anyone happen to know what thread
they are?


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as for the bolts, take them to a hardware store, they have things there to match sizes

yes disc. the bat for 15 mins. if you mean the wires in the plug to maf iwouldn think so unless there seriously corroded. i dont know the size of the bolts but like jimabena74 said go to hardware store and have them match them. was the maf dirty?

Carb cleaner often leaves a residue. Electrical contact cleaner is best.


Yep, use electrical contact cleaner. $5.00 for a lifetime supply at any Radioshack. No residue.

Thanks all, I'll pay a visit to RS and respray the
wires, also the wires didn't look dirty but I understand
that you can't always tell that way..


Originally posted by Sid Daley
Disconnect the battery for 15 minutes to allow the computer to relearn itself or is this not necessary?
I also just sprayed the wires with carb cleaner and
then let it dry, Is this a preferred method?

As well I had to use a dremel to simplify removing
the secure torx bolts, I would like to replace those
bolts would anyone happen to know what thread
they are?

