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K&N Intake for 04-05 v6

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Afe intake

I belive I figured out our problem !!!! I recieved my AFE Intake I removed my stock air box in all excitement. open the new , one, and I was automatically Upset. I was missing parts or something!! after a couple looks around I noted that the Mass air flow sensor is attatched to the air box.the tube and the box are one solid part, apparently In some explorers, it is a two piece. so I am trying to see if I can geat around this my finding a Mass air ssensor, tubing? that will hold my sensor, an words?

and so it's not that difficult to figure out there are after market adapters for the mass air sensor. witch seems to me makes it possible for just about any intake to work with this application. Im tempted to send the AFE back . and find something that may have a heat shield !!! or something a little cleaner looking

ok, I sent the AFE back! I ended up with a K&N only because I prefer a stock apperence.

...we already knew about the MAF lol, we want a K&N SPECIFICALLY made for our car. Anyone can buy an adapter and a cone filter but IMO its ricey and you gain nothing from it. You'll actually end up losing power because of the hot engine bay.

Here is what I am looking at. I am hoping that somebody can help me out before I set out in my endevour. I know we want a true kit for ours, but I hate waiting. I have filled out the form, but how long are we going to have to wait. You know the have then of for 2008/2009 rigs already...why 3+ years later on ours?

The 2003 kit will not work. It's been stated before. And they have one for the newer models probably only with a v8 because the demand is much higher.

...we already knew about the MAF lol, we want a K&N SPECIFICALLY made for our car. Anyone can buy an adapter and a cone filter but IMO its ricey and you gain nothing from it. You'll actually end up losing power because of the hot engine bay.

in this case the only option is the adapter , and creation of your own intake, a heat shield is deffenatly mandatory. MAS will be your only oppstical. good luck On the k&N the MAS is the only reason they have not , and possibly wont make it.

I think the reason they haven't made it is lack of interest to be honest. Why wouldn't they produce something identical to the 2003s, just with an adapter?

Just filled out the form, easy :thumbsup:
We need more people to do this so that they make an intake for the V6;)

filled the form out lets cross our fingers

why cant we just take the maf from our 04/05 and just put it in the 03 maf sensor housing


also filled out mine

i have a 2003, but i support what your pushing for !!!!!

so i filled it out...

good luck !!!!!
