keeps blowing cigarette lighter fuse (#17) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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keeps blowing cigarette lighter fuse (#17)


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March 25, 2023
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97 Explorer XLT 4wd CtrlT
👋🏽97 Explorer XLT 4wd Control Trac keeps blowing cigarette lighter fuse (#17)

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Does the “cigarette lighter” power work when the fuse is intact? Are you instantly blowing fuses, or does it just occur frequently?

I would start by sliding the radio/bezel off, and look for a short circuit where the 12V power wire connects to the cigarette lighter.

Good luck with this.

Does the “cigarette lighter” power work when the fuse is intact? Are you instantly blowing fuses, or does it just occur frequently?

I would start by sliding the radio/bezel off, and look for a short circuit where the 12V power wire connects to the cigarette lighter.

Good luck with this.
I had to replace it 3 days ago and it immediately blew another one and then I put the third one in and it seems like it was okay the cigarette lighter was working yesterday morning it didn't work so I checked the fuse again and it was blown

I had to replace it 3 days ago and it immediately blew another one and then I put the third one in and it seems like it was okay the cigarette lighter was working yesterday morning it didn't work so I checked the fuse again and it was blown
Thank you for replying, you're appreciated.
I had to replace it 3 days ago and it immediately blew another one and then I put the third one in and it seems like it was okay the cigarette lighter was working yesterday morning it didn't work so I checked the fuse again and it was blown
Ok Thank You for replying

Thank you for replying, you're appreciated.

Ok Thank You for replying
So that got me thinking in a different direction.. the retractable antenna was stolen after I bought it last summer, I haven't had time to get it ordered & install it. Could that be a cause?



  • power-distribution-3-of-4.pdf
    52.8 KB · Views: 40
  • power-antenna-1-of-1.pdf
    18 KB · Views: 34

Looking at wiring diagrams fuse #17 and #18 are connected
check fuse 18
25 amps
Both fuses or 25 amps

So that got me thinking in a different direction.. the retractable antenna was stolen after I bought it last summer, I haven't had time to get it ordered & install it. Could that be a cause?
If the antennae is simply disconnected, I would not think it would cause a short circuit and blow fuses. However, the process of removing the antennae (theft) may have short circuited some wires. After the theft did you inspect and secure the dangling (?) antennae wires. This may be causing the problem.

Good luck.

👋🏽97 Explorer XLT 4wd Control Trac keeps blowing cigarette lighter fuse (#17)
Thank you for helping, I had to do a hard reset on the battery. I do a lot of short in town driving. Huge difference.

I'd start by pulling the lighter outlet and checking for a broken insulation washer or ceramic base piece, and leave the lighter outlet unplugged for a while to see if the fuse still blows.

Edit: Oops, old topic...but that's still what I'd try first.
