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Key Fob


New Member
August 10, 2013
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City, State
Ocean cnty, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 AWD 5.0 Ex
i need a second key fob for my 96.
where can i get 1 ? ismy only option the stealershit ?

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i need a second key fob for my 96.
where can i get 1 ? ismy only option the stealershit ?

ebay - really inexpensive. i bought 2 new with a spare RF key delivered for $16. just a single remote for probably around $5-$6.

(or you buy one at AutoZone for around $45. God only knows what the sealership gets).

and it'll already come programed for my X ?

and it'll already come programed for my X ?

no. nothing you can buy will come pre-programmed. there is a simple procedure to program a key fob. it's spelled out in your owner's manual.

thx, but i dont have a manual.

thx, but i dont have a manual.

i think there's a STICKY on the forum on programming. certainly there are multiple threads on the subject. ask for help (in a new thread), search here or on-line on how to do it. it basically involves turning the ignition key from OFF to ON a certain number of times to get into "programming mode" and then hitting any button on the remote. the directions may even be provided by the ebay seller.

here's a couple of links for you:

Thank You

check my last post again. i just added the STICKY link.

note: OFF is the position just past LOCK (LOCK, OFF, ON, START)

i appreciate you taking the time, thx

You can also get them on Amazon for less than ten dollars.

as far as product goes, it there that much of a difference between a $10 remote and a $50 remote ?

as far as product goes, it there that much of a difference between a $10 remote and a $50 remote ?

i haven't noticed any difference. i have purchased 5 of them and they all look and work just like the OE remotes. i recently asked the manager at Autozone if they ever sold any at $45? his answer was no. afterall, it's hardly a high-tech device. here's a link for 2 for less than $10 w/free shipping. just one example.

and if you simply must have a pink one...

actually, you'll want a remote w/out the trunk button, but you get the idea.

hey pink isnt

2nd the eBay fob. I've had good luck with them. Programming is easy.

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