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keyless entry


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May 7, 2002
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99 explorer sport
Hi all, just purchased a 99 explorer sport but didn't get the code for the keyless entry. I believe there ought to be a sticker hidden somewhere in the interior but I don't know where it is. Any help????

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Look in the driver's side rear compartment. Way in the back behind everything.

Forgive me,

Welcome To The Forum!


Thanks for the reply, but no luck. That's where my dealer thought it would be as well but I'm sure it's not.

I bought my '97 new, but over time lost the code card.

Last weekend, I took a mirror and looked at the side of the silver control box above the left rear tire and behind the plastic panel, and there was the code on the side of the box. Kind of a pain to see, but it was there.

Just cause you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there.
I too, had to use a mirror on an extensoin and a flashlight to find the dam thing. Bifocals, mirrors , bad light and poor position = PITA. But it was there....

Yeah its there. I had to look like 3 differnent times over the course of 2 weeks to be patient enough but yeah its there.

Originally posted by Agent_51
Yeah its there. I had to look like 3 differnent times over the course of 2 weeks to be patient enough but yeah its there.

Hahahahaha, that's a fact! They put it where no thief could find it either!
